Toxic Twins Oneshots (Gerard Way x Reader x Bert McCracken)

Toxic Twins Oneshots (Gerard Way x Reader x Bert McCracken)

4 0 2

If you like MCR and The Used, you've come to the right place! Ever heard of the Toxic Twins? That's what Bert and Gerard were known as back in the day, which brings about the ideas for this. It's a collection of oneshots about Gerard Way and Bert McCracken. Most of the chapters will be x reader but no promises on there being a few that have characters instead. The majority of the chapters will have Gerard and Bert but there may be one here and there that just has one of them. Also, can't forget special guest appearances by Mikey, Frank, Ray, Jepha, Quinn, and Branden! (Just a quick note: Updates will probably be slow on this one. Sorry! But I still hope you enjoy it!)…

Coffee Shop Gerard Way Oneshots (Gerard Way x Reader)

Coffee Shop Gerard Way Oneshots (Gerard Way x Reader)

16 2 2

We all know Gerard loves coffee. Why not include it in some oneshots about him? Most of the chapters will features coffee or coffee shops in some form. There might be a few that don't (shhh...) eventually.…