

1,385 84 19

"Two broken souls scarred with the wounds from their demons, playing a dangerous game of trust and love."It's not hard to be broken in this world. To have a broken heart or soul. It's hard however to remain whole and not fall apart when you're made of glued pieces. Together they make a whole being, a broken one but still intact, however, when even one of them falls off there is a domino effect and everything collapses. Delilah is a such person. Glued together with cheap glue that is on the verge of giving up. Her soul is scarred with wounds from demons of the past and present. She's fighting them every day, however, she's slowly losing her strength. She's so tired and just wants to succumb but if she does the glue will just stop sticking.~"That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot," he answered leaving me flabbergasted. Did he just-, no, or maybe."Did you just quote The Vampire Diaries?" I asked my voice thin and high from the shock. A bit of red touched his face making me gasp. He was blushing. "Oh my God, you just quoted The Vampire Diaries," I exclaimed with a big smile on my face."I can neither confirm nor deny this information," he answered while taking a step back.…

Little Thoughts

Little Thoughts

447 13 28

Little words create little thoughts.Poems and thoughts.In a few languages: (English, Spanish, Polish).…