What Makes A Genius (Reader x Senku Ishigami)

What Makes A Genius (Reader x Senku Ishigami)

5,682 248 11

Afraid of losing the one person you truly love as well as the one thing you've ever felt passionate for, you follow Senku into the deep end. You don't remember where you begin or where he ends and you're afraid that if you tell him how you feel he'll leave you more lost than you were before you met him. Can a man of science truly be able to love? Is he more machine than man? Or is there a layer of love meant just for you that you have never considered.…

Corpus Animatum (Senku Ishigami X Reader/The Last of Us)

Corpus Animatum (Senku Ishigami X Reader/The Last of Us)

114 12 2

Only Senku, your annoyingly brilliant science tutor, would enjoy the apocalypse.…