Bipolar Love with Schizophrenic Feelings

Bipolar Love with Schizophrenic Feelings

411 11 39

Bipolar Love with Schizophrenic Feelings is a book where characters are portrayed as emotions. The character that is also an emotion, 'Hate,' perceived another character, 'Love,' as a human being ( woman) & engaged in sexual contact against Its will. As a result of this, there was a chain reaction that caused her other emotions to have a physical appearance as well. The emotion Hate desired Love, because Love desired passion and it started to find desires within itself. Hate smelled the aroma of Its passions and it pleased it, causing It to break out of its chambers and go to Love chambers. Once it transformed Love into a woman it assaults her. Its overseers portrayed as her Godparent's Wisdom & Knowledge felt the transformation of Love and hurried to save It before Hate could release emotions It would've felt when it became mature. Now that her emotions are scattered abroad in human form, they've also developed a chain reaction of emotions and live their lives as humans among humans. With time running out, Wisdom must catch Hate and gather the other emotions to balance Love. Knowledge being the youngest of the Godfathers must care for Love after she's assaulted. With Love feeling abandoned by her sister Patience, she disowns herself by disguising herself under a new name.…