Sapa & Garri

Sapa & Garri

14 0 2

This is a dark humour based on the Nigerian actual daily experience and of course their sarcastic way of naming their situation especially the ill ones.Sapa represents hunger, some kind of suffering that just occur normally or after carefree spending and Garri is the saviour in times of Sapa as it is very cheap, easy to get and easy to take no struggle at all. Only that it has a stigma, it is often seen as a poor man's food.In this story Garri as been personified and he is trying to secede from under the rule of Sapa. what will be the outcome? Kasali Samuel…

Undying Devil

Undying Devil

3 1 2

Syphilis is a powerful Alpha deity that is destroyed by death and resurrection with the help of the god of death, Mihaimon. With the sacrifice of Mihaimon and the gods of fate in the beginning of the next era the gods of death are appeased and Syphilis is defeated, but what is immortal stays immortal. His reincarnation brings extreme doom and unending suffering. ..Jeond.…