Game On (Pretty Little Liars) (Book Two) (Secrets Series)

Game On (Pretty Little Liars) (Book Two) (Secrets Series)

12,102 377 15

Dakota McCoy has been hurt, maimed, and nearly killed, but that hasn't stopped her. She still going, whether it's for the best, or if it's for the worst.Caleb comes back to Rosewood hoping for her to forgive him for them to be together, but can she actually do that? And what else lies in the future for Dakota?…

Alternate Realities (The Flash) (Book Three) (Vera Pyra Series)

Alternate Realities (The Flash) (Book Three) (Vera Pyra Series)

2,622 62 5

Vera Mitchell has been a superhero with the power of becoming fire or controlling fire all around her, called Pyra (like Pyro). She lost her family really young due to the Reverse Flash, who had a vendetta against Vera and Barry, supposedly because Vera had killed his sister sometime in the future.But when Barry goes back into time to save his family and creates Flashpoint, he also saves Vera family from burning alive because he knew that it changed Vera's life completely. So when Vera in Flashpoint gets to live a happy life with her mother Isabelle, father Lucas, her sister Kaylee, and her brother Josh, she is devastated at the thought that this isn't how her life is supposed to be. When Barry sets the timeline in place, Isabelle and Lucas are dead, but Kaylee and Josh are not, and they have powers of their own, too, falling for Cisco and Caitlin. Kaylee is known as Phantom, and Josh is known as Smokescreen.And old time friend from Earth 2, Quinn Tate, Earth 2 Pyra with a new name of Magma loves to come back to always lend a helping hand. Before two villains from the future that appear to be gods called Savitar and Vesta come back with a vengeance.…

Zach's Daughter (The Vampire Diaries fan fic!!!!!!)

Zach's Daughter (The Vampire Diaries fan fic!!!!!!)

154,622 3,144 23

Zach's daughter is almost nothing like him. She's blunt, mean, and isn't the last person to tell you what's on her mind. But, like Zach, she's also quiet, keeps her distance away from others, and doesn't have it very likely that she'd grow a big family, especially when her vampire ancestors return to Mystic Falls, Stefan and Damon. One is good, and one is evil, but she doesn't trust either of them. Will Damon kill her, like Zach, or will Stefan find a way to protect her? Only time will tell . . .…

Trouble (Vampire Diaries fan fic, Book Two!!!!!!!),

Trouble (Vampire Diaries fan fic, Book Two!!!!!!!),

72,644 1,775 23

Nicola Salvatore is trying to get past the past. Even with both Stefan and Damon living in her home, putting her in constant danger but repeatedly saving her life, she stays for two reasons--pride and family. Though their relationship is rocky, she realizes they are they only ones she has left to live or die for. What may come of this newest realization?…

Reverse Psychology (Book Three Zach's Daughter Series, TVD)

Reverse Psychology (Book Three Zach's Daughter Series, TVD)

63,717 1,408 23

Nicola Salvatore is in for the long run to get Stefan, her youngest vampire ancestor, back to the way she was, while even though she finds out something is totally wrong with her, but what is it, and is it something she can fix?…

Potential (Book Four, The Vampire Diaries)

Potential (Book Four, The Vampire Diaries)

44,535 953 24

Nicola Salvatore played by Zoey Deutch…

Bad Feelings (Zach's Daughter series, Book Five, The Vampire Diaries)
Visitation (Vampire Diaries) (Book Six)

Visitation (Vampire Diaries) (Book Six)

36,222 736 22

Nicola "Nikki" Salvatore has had a hard life. She was raised to defend herself against vampires, two of them being her ancestors Stefan and Damon. Her mom had died from a form of cancer. Damon had killed her dad, Zach... and yet, Stefan and Damon have been the ones that have protected her and kept her safe above all. Nicola had gotten sick, like her mother, but she had fought through. And due to her being raised to fight against the vampires, when the Brotherhood of the Five had come around, Nikki was a Potential. But, when Katherine had been in Elena's body and made Damon think that she wanted nothing to do with him, he lashed out, killing one of her friends, trying to kill her brother... and turning little niece Nikki into a vampire. Even while he tried to convince everyone it was for selfish reasons, they know it was so that she wouldn't get sick again, and she wouldn't have to worry about becoming a Hunter. But then Damon died, and Stefan fled town. So who was left to help the newbie vamp with becoming a vampire and helping her control her urges? Tyler Lockwood.But her focus remains Stefan and Damon, especially when Stefan has barely spoken to her all summer, Damon comes back to life, and she finds out about Sarah Salvatore... her long lost sister that she never knew she had. Just when will she find out, and will this be the last thing that she can take from her only family left? Although this is a toxic family, it's one to feel confused and angry and upset about....If you can't be a fool for family, who can you be a fool for?…

My Return (Vampire Diaries) (Book Seven)

My Return (Vampire Diaries) (Book Seven)

23,763 497 21

Nicola Salvatore has sacrificed everything for her family. Her strength, her happiness, her life, her health, her safety, her human life, her humanity... and even her sanity.But now Nikki is returning who she really is, and she returns to Mystic Falls after leaving with Tyler to discover that her hometown is overrun with Heretics and her ancestor, Lily Salvatore.And she's not just regaining a sense of who she was or where she belonged. She is reconnecting with what she had been capable of, even when she had been human, and a Potential of the Brotherhood of the Five. She is becoming who she wants to become, and all of this is because of what she is willing to do for her family.Even if it destroys her.…

Never Let Me Go (Book 8, Vampire Diaries)

Never Let Me Go (Book 8, Vampire Diaries)

14,860 480 16

Nicola Salvatore never wanted to unleash the Huntress inside of her. But in the last book, Rayna Cruz cast a spell that made it impossible to keep the Huntress at bay. In the last book, Nikki tried to kill her ancestors Stefan and Damon, but never wanted to. She is trying everything she can to not kill her family and friends.But what happens when the Siren sets her sights on Nicola? Will she lose control and fall prey to her spell? And what if the Siren kills her one last true connection to her humanity... her sister Sarah?…

Huntress in New Orleans (Book 9, TVD/TO)

Huntress in New Orleans (Book 9, TVD/TO)

13,287 499 13

Nicola Salvatore was turned into a Huntress three years ago, with urges to kill all of her friends and family. (her ancestors Stefan and Damon that were more like brothers, and her friends Caroline and Enzo, before Stefan killed Enzo). She had to watch her sister Sarah die in front of her, having to give herself over to a Siren named Sybil just to remain in control, and Sybil made her kill her ex boyfriend Tyler Lockwood. Nicola had her humanity off when she sold herself to the Devil named Cade, and killed for him so that he would control her enough to make sure that she didn't kill anyone else she loved ever again, but he instead made it where he would bring Stefan and Damon back from the dead each time she killed them, which was a lot, until their deal was broken when Stefan was made human. After that, Cade tried to do everything in his power to make Nicola lose control, so she had to kill him instead. When Stefan cured Damon of being a vampire so Nicola didn't have to be afraid of killing him again, he also killed himself in a way of killing Katherine Pierce once again, leaving them both alone. Now, Nicola has to learn how to control herself on her own, and with the help of Elijah and the Mikaelsons, maybe she can finally do it.…

Fighting Fate (TVD/TO fanfic, book 10)

Fighting Fate (TVD/TO fanfic, book 10)

6,418 249 11

The last chapters of Nicola Salvatore…

Skyfall (The Flash) (Book Two) (Vera Pyra Series)

Skyfall (The Flash) (Book Two) (Vera Pyra Series)

19,013 420 25

Vera Mitchell has lost her family in a fire 16 years ago. Her older sister, Kaylee, her older brother, Josh, her father, Lucas, and her mother, Isabella. She was the only survivor.14 years later, she's affected by the particle accelerator explosion. She nearly burned alive when the dark matter wave swept after her. She gained powers of fire and becoming fire, using fire to fly the friendly skies. She came to trust and to befriend only a handful of people after everything that she had endured after losing her family at ten years old and going from foster care home to foster care home. And that was because she became apart of Team Flash. She earned her own name and superhero reputation, as Pyra. All of their fans like to call them Flyra. But they learned that Harrison Wells was really Eobard Thawne, and that he had killed Barry Allen's mother, and and forced Vera into killing her family all those years ago by time travel.And Barry and Vera got the chance to go back and try to save them, but couldn't.And to save them, Eddie killed himself so that Eobard was never.But while doing so, they opened a black hole and ruptured the links through the several worlds that shouldn't have been opened. And now creatures from all worlds are visiting worlds that they should not have been in. Some are allies. Some are enemies.But after everything that she had went through, all of the betrayal and the fear that she would hurt or kill someone she loved again, Vera is distant, even more so than she had ever been. Not having any contact with Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Iris and Joe West, Professor Martin Stein, and not even Barry Allen. And trust does not come to her as easily as it did before when it comes to meeting someone knew.Everything that she had found out had destroyed her.But can Vera Mitchell forgive herself, let everyone in again, piece herself back together to return to being Pyra, friends with Team Flyra... and maybe, hopefully, have something more with Barry Allen?…

Vera Pyra (The Flash) (Book One)

Vera Pyra (The Flash) (Book One)

40,974 845 24

Vera Mitchell is no stranger to heartbreak, pain and devastation. Her family died in a tragic fire when she was a little girl, and it doomed her to a life of anger and despair, foster care families, and most of all, loneliness. But that didn't stop her from becoming the best that she could be, even while isolating herself as much as possible. Then she gets these powers. She doesn't know what they mean at first, but she is willing to find out, and willing to use them for good instead of evil. But, obviously, every metahuman needs a badass alias.Vera's alias?Pyra. But of course, with power, comes responsibilities, blah, blah, blah... and finally maybe to be able to let go of the past and move on with the future.Until she finds out that she's being betrayed once again.…

Forget Me Not (Book Six, Missing Family Series, Teen Wolf)

Forget Me Not (Book Six, Missing Family Series, Teen Wolf)

4,401 175 20

Natalie Lahey has been a Werewolf since Derek Hale bit her when he started his pack. He had been locked in a safe with Alphas, fought the Kanima, the Alpha Pack, the Darach, the Oni, the Nogitsune, professional assassins, the Benefactor, hunters, Dread Doctors, Chimeras, the Beast of Gevaudan. and now the Ghost Riders and the Wild Hunt. Still in the same grade as Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Cory Bryant, and Hayden Romero, they can do nothing but know that the most logical choice for the "Alpha" of the pack be Natalie, seeing as she's been through the most, lost the most, and done the most when it comes to them, and she's fearless, protective, and doesn't back down.Natalie's learning the hard way throughout all of this, and she can only do it with the help of her Alpha/mentor/friend-like brother Scott McCall, and her boyfriend Liam. But can she do it?…

Decline (Book Five, Missing Family Series, Teen Wolf)

Decline (Book Five, Missing Family Series, Teen Wolf)

6,298 181 20

Natalie Lahey is still moving on, and it's getting even easier than it was before. Her relationship with Liam is growing, and she's still learning how to work at the clinic with Scott and Deaton. She also is getting a close mother-like relationship with Melissa. When the Dread Doctors come for her and her friends, she is one of the first to stand up and do something about it. But what will happen to Natalie and her friends?…

Secrets (Pretty Little Liars fan fic!!!!)

Secrets (Pretty Little Liars fan fic!!!!)

53,913 1,079 23

Dakota McCoy was the new girl just a little over a year ago, when Alison DiLaurentis, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, and Emily Fields bring her into their clique.And then Alison disappears. They don't know if she's dead or alive.All that these girls know is that there is someone out there that knows their secrets and are willing to spill everything...And endanger their lives.…

Missing Family (Teen Wolf) Book One
Reform (Season Four Teen Wolf)

Reform (Season Four Teen Wolf)

13,004 286 12

Isaac may be gone, but Natalie Lahey isn't going anywhere. With her new goal of trying to move on from what happened to Boyd, trying to change back into her old life of her more relaxed and easy-going and just free to do whatever she wants, Natalie is trying to to come back. For good.…

Torment (Teen Wolf__Missing Family Book Two)

Torment (Teen Wolf__Missing Family Book Two)

23,354 603 25

In season 3A, Natalie's out of the vault with a vengeance, and is living it up with the love of her life until he dies.Then she's really out for blood. Will she get revenge for Erica and Boyd, and die in the process? Or will someone be able to reason, get through to her?£In season 3B, Natalie's recovering from the death of Boyd and Erica, and hoping fiercely that no one else she loves dies, standing by Isaac's side every step of the way.…