De Luca [ON HOLD]

De Luca [ON HOLD]

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A/N: ON HOLD DUE TO WORKING ON HIS SAFE HAVEN RESET!"Oh you cannot be serious! You literally had the easiest thing to do out of everyone. Stay hidden and quiet. You couldn't even do that!"I couldn't help but feel offended so I tried saving my pitiful arse,A/N: If you wanna find out what Scarlett said you gotta read and find out!---Scarlett Moore is not your ordinary twenty-four year old. No, she's fierce and sarcastic with her words, letting them spiral out her lips. She also doesn't give two shits, no matter what anyone says. It's was a no shocker that she was stubborn too. Classing it would be hell bent.If you got on her bad side or stopped her from doing something she loved, you were practically itching for a rush of on-the-spot insults and sarcasm and she made it clear that Dante De Luca was no less.Dante De Luca on the other hand was a twenty-six year old who held the position of being leader for The De Luca Movement, the notorious mafia/gang. People knew about the De Luca Movement but never the man himself.He was the prime definition of thrill as well as danger. He was hidden but known among people. It was given that once people heard his name, they'd know straight away who he was and what he ran. He was that notorious.Scarlett's first meet with Dante wasn't the best but that didn't bother her, his eyes did. She was so pulled in that she ended up cursing him that made his blood boil. Interactions and multiple encounters later, they both knew that it was their bad luck to be in each others presence.Before anyone or her knew it, guns were shot and blood were spilled. Secrets came out and heartbeats escaped out of rib-cages. Fear trickling down everyone's necks and foreheads. For them, it was survival against time but the real question was... would they make it out unhurt?Join the story of Dante and Scarlett and find out what happens!Rough Drafts Beginning From: 08/05/20Official Published Date: 21/10/20Official Finish Date:…