[ENG] Echoes of the Soul: A Collection of Personal Quotes

[ENG] Echoes of the Soul: A Collection of Personal Quotes

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Alternative title in Indonesian: Gema Jiwa: Kumpulan Kutipan PribadiEchoes of the Soul: A Collection of Personal Quotes is a compilation of profound, inspirational, and thought-provoking quotes that have been drawn from the depths of the soul. This book showcases the wisdom, experiences, and perspectives of different individuals, as they reflect on their personal journeys and share their insights on life, love, relationships, spirituality, and more.…

Short stories (KUMPULAN CERPEN)

Short stories (KUMPULAN CERPEN)

93 3 5

( 🚫 Tidak diperbolehkan untuk Meng-copy, menduplikasi, menulis ulang cerita) ©Yurida Zani…