The Side of Him I Didn't Know (in development)

The Side of Him I Didn't Know (in development)

413 27 21

Jayden McAvoy and Marissa Carlisle were best friends at one point. When Marissa started developing feelings for Jayden, he started distancing himself. It was clear that he didn’t feel the same by the way he abruptly pushed her out of his life. From that point on, they’d never spoke.Jayden falls back into Marissa’s life when he agrees to being an informant for the police station to escape charges for armed robbery, and Jayden has to live with Marissa and her dad, a cop, to be safe. The new closeness in distance reluctantly brings Jayden and Marissa to how they once were. Both learning more about each other then they once had. Until one night puts their relationship to the test. Marissa is the only one who could prove Jayden guilty or innocent. With a scattered memory, Jayden and Marissa team up to find the real killer. Fear in Marissa holds them back. In order to piece fragments of her memory together to free Jayden, she must trust in Jayden.…

The 5 Lies They Tell You About High School

The 5 Lies They Tell You About High School

1,743 76 13

This is a collection of vignettes expressing the truth about high school.…

Redefining Beautiful

Redefining Beautiful

2,554 36 36

This is a story about a fat girl. It's not easy being overlooked, out-shined, or picked on. Charlie Anna Bates, an eighth grader at J. Elmore Middle School, knows all about how that feels. In this relatable novel, Charlie trades in her sweats and poor eating habits for make-up and slender legs over the summer before Freshman year in order to save the crumbling friendship with her star athlete, socialite best friend, Destiny. The skinny life escalates into more than Charlie wished for when she develops feelings for Destiny's crush and she falls into a trap that leads to her half-naked picture surfing through Emery High School. Can Charlie find stable ground? Or will she be a victim of her doubtful thoughts? Follow Charlie on her journey to discover who she is, and to empower every girl out there that beauty is truly from within.**This is not an unpublished story. You can purchase your copy on Amazon. Click the link in my bio.…