Royally Fucked

Royally Fucked

229 12 5

Max kissed me back just as hard that I felt gently tickled by his mustache. I grabbed the back of his head and then kissed him even harder. He let out a muffled moan just as I forced my tongue inside his mouth hoping to locate his tongue. I am already starting to get sweaty but then just as I felt Max's hand slither inside my pants, that's when I woke up.I unclasped myself from the kiss and jumped backwards. I quickly noticed the left side of his mustache was missing and then the other one was barely hanging on for dear life. He was wearing a fake mustache."W-what's wrong?" He asked looking much rather confused."Your mustache!" I said.He finally removed the hanging mustache and then right there, I made sense of who he actually is. Immediately, my knees grew wobbly."P-prince Maximillian?" I muttered under my breath. I couldn't believe I am looking at the prince of Liverwales right now. I could've sworn I have seen him from somewhere and I was right all along. "Fuck!" I cursed out under my breath. I turned my back and then started to run away."Wait up, you dropped your phone!" The Prince screamed from behind but I'm already shitting bricks because of what I just learned.It became clear to me that I just kissed a guy and it's not just a regular guy, it was the prince. Oh, boy! I am royally damned.…

Dancing In His Storm [BxB] √

Dancing In His Storm [BxB] √

6,583 141 95

August Levisay used to be out and proud of his sexuality. He was so charismatic and popular at his old high school, but everything changed quickly soon after his mother died. His family had to move to another place to start over, and he was inevitably forced back inside the closet.Ambrose Haylock is your typical high school bully. He is very popular, controlling, and violent. He doesn't fear anyone except for Rachel Curtis, his longtime crush. When August arrived at Mary Heights high school, he quickly became popular, most especially with the girls. Ambrose felt threatened by the new guy, and he confronted him violently. August ended up badly hurt, and he swore to do whatever it takes to take August down. August soon learned that the only person Ambrose cared for was Rachel, and so he starts pursuing the girl. Both guys end up fighting over the girl and eventually realizing that they are attracted to each other.…

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √

39,761 1,413 101

Seventeen-year-old Jordi Adkins' life became both liberating and nightmarish right after he came out of the closet. While enjoying the perks of freedom, he's also being followed by the nightmare in the form of the notorious bad boy Xavier Rockwell. When Jordi finally gathered enough courage to stand up for himself, he got beaten up.Things became clear: Xavier won't stop making Jordi's life difficult, and he has to live with it for the rest of his high school life. Jordi decides to attend a house party and drink his hatred and frustration out. When Jordi wakes up the following morning, he realizes that he just woke up to the craziest plot twist of his life. He wakes up in bed only to find a naked Xavier cuddled right beside him.…

How to Destroy a Fuckboy [BxB] √

How to Destroy a Fuckboy [BxB] √

247,921 3,880 21

When certified straight fuckboy Valentine kissed the closeted Dominic, he began craving for more.Confused feelings will force Valentine to pursue Dominic. Little did he know, Dominic was on his mission to destroy him.…

The Emancipation of a Fuckboy [BxB] √

The Emancipation of a Fuckboy [BxB] √

46,728 1,716 70

Having moved on from the devastating heartbreak, Valentine swore to stay single until he finds the right one worthy of his love. But when Valentine accidentally meets Dominic for the first time after five long years, pain and hatred takes over him.Determined to take revenge, Valentine began stalking Dominic only to find out that Dominic had became a fuckboy himself.…

The Wolfing of Roger Willis

The Wolfing of Roger Willis

480 105 20

17-year-old Roger Willis was forced to move to the small town of Viridian Falls along with his parents to save their failing marriage. Roger thought his life was over then but when he was admitted at the public high school, he instantly befriends everyone. He meets the shy redhead Carmine Reid and he develops a crush on her.When Roger was invited to a house party, he got super drunk and was attacked by a werewolf gone rogue. He manages to survive with the help of an unknown person. Roger soon meets the mysterious substitute biology teacher Idris Lykaios who immediately recognized his scent. Idris came to the town to track down a rogue member of their pack, the very same one who attacked Roger.When Roger saw Carmine being kidnapped, he tracks her down using the scent of her shawl. Roger was then led to a trap and he eventually learns that Carmine was a member of an all-female pack and their goal is to kill every male werewolf in town. Idris sensed what was going on and came to Roger's rescue.Roger soon discovers that Idris is in fact a werewolf and that he has also become one.As Idris takes Roger under his wing, he develops some sort of attraction towards the young werewolf. Idris soon realized that Roger had imprinted on him and the bond was becoming stronger.When Roger defeats the alpha of a rogue pack, he becomes their alpha. This is a clear threat to his own pack.Will Idris follow the beating of his heart or will he kill Roger who was now an alpha of a rogue pack?…