The devils angel

The devils angel

66,614 830 20

Tara Hansen is a 17 year old girl moving away from home, her friends and family to start her life. Being independent and going of to college in california. At some point she encounters a mysterious boy, Vinnie. Known by many and feared by most. What happens as these 2 opposites continuously cross paths. Making new friends and experiencing and exploring opportunities and freedom.…

The change.

The change.

46 0 4

Lives change, the smallest inconvenience can change how you veiw the world. It will change again as you grow with whats around you. You dont realise change until its happened. And he changed me. I never knew i could have the love and romance i see on movies and in books until i met him. But along with the love came hate and sadness, feelings i never thought id endure. Only time can tell how there story will plan out.…