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Long ago before earth was even created there was battle's between demons and angeles raging on but the demons were over wealming the angeles in battle, so God forged the heavenly swords for the angels to fight the demons with, wich were swords that give power to whom ever weilds them, and God made one sword for every power there is, but there was a special sword God made for his son that hadn't been born yet Jesus this sword was called soul sword and it could grant it's weilder anything, as thousands of years went by the demons and angeles stopped Waring and the heavenly swords were no longer needed so the angels had to put the heavenly swords in a safe place, and they knew demons were looking for the heavenly swords so they had to hide them well, so the angels made it so that every one million years the heavenly swords would move from the planet their on to another one, that would make it harder for the demons to find the heavenly swords, now earth has become the new resting ground for the heavenly swords, and for the people on earth that know about the heavenly swords it's a race to see who can get the most heavenly swords and ultimately claim soul sword.…



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THIS STORY IS BASED ON ACTUAL FACTS. A man watches a music video clip that features the famous rapper LL Cool J, who in the music video clip raps in a verse that, if the mind can conceive it the man can achieve it you gotta breath it and I breath deep I'm one with the universe minimum ten percent go to God first, which basically means that if you go to God first then breath in and out while trying to get something with your mind it will happen. Now this man who now knows LL Cool J's breathing technique who now calls himself Ladies Love which is a name he got from LL Cool J's first two letters of his name which is LL which means Ladies Love, is getting use to the breathing technique he learnt from LL Cool J's song when suddenly he gets a message from God who kindly asks him to forget about the breathing technique through way of the vale of forgetfulness, that he will bestow upon Ladies Love, because God foresees that the breathing technique could destroy everything if used wrong, but Ladies Love is not prepared to give up the breathing technique as it has brought him so much, and for disobedience God sends the Legion of Angels to destroy Ladies Love, and now Ladies Love must use his breathing technique to defeat heaven itself and survive.…



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A man who is a hypnotist figure's out that Ladies Love has the ability to grant himself anything he wants but the man can't figure out how Ladies Loves ability works which is a through a breathing technique that can grant you anything but what the man does know is that he can hypnotise Ladies Love to use his ability then the man hypnotises Ladies Love to use his ability to get gifted a gift from Ladies Love through the use of the breathing technique that Ladies Love learnt from a song called paradise by LL Cool J that is a breathing technique that can grant you anything, and the gift the man receives from Ladies Love is the ability to control and manipulate the universe and to create his own universe. Now this man who now calls himself Universe Man is looked at by the most intelligent and advanced races in the universe as a threat to the universe because they think that if Universe Man can control and manipulate the universe he can just as easily take it away and with the universe's most intelligent advanced races after him Universe Man must fight for survival and defeat the most intelligent advanced races in the universe who are after him.IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET TO KNOW MORE ABOUT LADIES LOVE AND WHO HE IS HE IS STARRING IN MY OTHER BOOK TITLED LADIES LOVE.…



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An advanced alien race invent a technological machine known as Fusion S that is as old as the universe which is a technological machine who's only purpose is to be built only for fusion purposes which is the act in where objects fuse together like when the sun goes through nuclear fusion and causes hydrogen nucli in it to fuse together to form helium, or like when heat travels through a solid object like when heat goes through steel, and it is now the year 8020 and Fusion S is equipped with all the knowledge of all things that have to do with fusion in the entire universe and has the ability to perform any type of fusion experiment known to anything. Now a lady is in Fusion S performing experiments on herself with Fusion S when it malfunctions and explodes, then the lady finds that because Fusion S had all the fusion knowledge in the whole entire universe built into it and because Fusion S could perform any type of fusion experiment and because Fusion S malfunctioned and exploded with her in it, somehow Fusion S fused her with the entire universe making her one with the universe causing her to obtain the ability to control and manipulate the universe. Now this lady who now calls herself Universe Girl gets a visit from a cult of aliens who know all about Universe Girl who wish to be the next to fuse with the universe but when Universe Girl refuses to cooperate with aliens it leaves her at war with them, and now Universe Girl must use her universe abilities to destroy these aliens.…



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A futuristic human intergalacticspace traveller uses his hi tech spacecraft to travel thousands of galaxies away from earth before stumbling across a strange unknown galaxy where for some strange reason its moons planets stars suns and moons are no bigger than your average marbles, and because the planets are so small the intergalactic spacetraveler takes a few of them back to earth with him for further study, now a man happens to find these small planets that the intergalactic space traveler had brought with him back to earth and the man accidentally mistakes the small planets for normal eatable lollies and he eats them and this causes the man to become very ill and nearly die, then when the man makes a recovery months later through messages from mother earth he finds that because he ate the small marble sized planets and because he nearly died because of eating the small marble sized planets before being brought back to normal health, he now has the ability to control and manipulate planets. Now this man who now calls himself Planet Man is approached by a cult of priests who order Planet Man to give up his abilities because they believe only God should possess the power to create planets and when Planet Man refuses it leaves him in an all out war with the priests which is a war that Planet Man must win by using his planet abilities.…



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It's has now been over 10 billion years since the birth of Satan and for living so for so long while doing nothing but being evil Satan undergoes a transformation because since no being had ever come close to how bad and evil he was and because he was in an evil state for over 10 billion years, all the evil and negatively in the entire universe becomes attracted to him and eventually becomes one with him and this causes a transformation in him causing him toevolve into a totally new type of devilish form that he calls Super Satan, which causes his hair to become risen hell fire red, and which is a transformation that leaves him with untold power that could maybe even rival God's power. Now with his new transformation Satan wastes no time and launches an attack on heaven in hopes to rule it and with his new transformation Satan is more than confident that all of heaven and everything in it will be under his command.…



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A man gets hypnotized by another man to think he has an army of demons in his head, then when the man who gets hypnotized dies for a short amount of time, and goes to hell while dead, and while in hell the man asks Satin if he had a cure for the army of demons he thinks he has in his head, and Satin says to him, the only thing he can think of doing is to put a real army of demons in your head to replace demons you think are in your head then Satin says to the man but theres catch, after doing that you'll be stuck with a real army of demons in your head, even though that's the case the man will do anything to get rid of the demons he thinks are in his head, so he asks Satin to put the army of demons in his head and Satin does. Now with an army of demons in his head the man can call forth as many of the demons in the army of demons as he wants into the real world and make them do his bidding. Now with the army of demons at his command this man now calls himself Devil Man, and Devil Man has gotten word that one of his good friends is in need of help because of drug dealers and it is a life or death situation, and Devil Man think's that this is the perfect opportunity to test out his new abilitie so he sets out to save his good friend not knowing how well it will end for him.…



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A ruthless battle between demons and gods, is taking place in the pits of hell itself were due to the battle not one part of hell isn't covered in hell fire, then the God of lightning creates a lightning bolt the size of a planet that break's off a large peice of hell, then through telekinesis the God of lightning raises the peice of hell then brings it crashing down to the bottom of hell on fire like a comet, wich would grant the God's victory, but Satin soon put a stop to this by transporting the peice of hell by teleportation deep into out of space were it would stay for eternity never to burn out because hell fire never goes out. Millions of years pass and the peice of hell that still bares it's hell fire, and during its time in space has been like a star and now is like a sun were planets orbit around it and after millions of years of living off the hell fire for light and warmth and so many other things, the life on the planets that orbit the peice of hell burning with hell fire, obtain Satin like abilities from adapting to and living off the peice of hell and it's hell fire, that is known to them as the Hell Sun. Now Satin has gotten information about the existence of these living things who obtained Satin like abilities from the Hell Sun and Satin finds them and orders them to obey him for using his powers they got from the Hell Sun, or he will kill them, and now the living things on one of the planets, who have always thrived off the Hell Sun must use their secret weapon who's known as Devil Girl who has the highest Satin like abilities known, from being in the bloodline of the first creations that lived off the Hell Sun, and after calling forth Devil Girl all hell has broke loose, but is it enough to defeat Satin and his army of demons.…



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Earth has now been the resting place for the heavenly swords for almost two years now and now people on earth know what the heavenly swords are and they know how to use them, but what they don't know is that an alien race who's planet was the resting place for the heavenly swords just before earth have been searching the galaxies for the heavenly swords, not knowing why the heavenly swords left their planet, and now the aliens know that the heavenly swords are on earth and they have come to claim them, but when the government refuses to hand the heavenly swords over to the aliens it starts an all out war between the aliens and the people on earth, now the soul hunters must step in to save Earth from these aliens who will stop at nothing to get the heavenly swords.…



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It is the year 947 and a King requests a soothsayer to tell him the future of his Kingdom, so a soothsayer foresees that a King will be born in the city of this Kingdom and become the King of Kings and rule all Kingdoms, the King doesn't like what he hears so he orders all pregnant women in the city of his Kingdom executed, then while all the pregnant women in the dungeon are waiting to be executed a man who is a doctor who knows about the baby who will be King of Kings somehow finds his way into the dungeon were the pregnant women are, with his dragon with him, then performs an operation on the lady with the baby in her, who will be King of Kings, and the dragon, taking the unborn baby from the mothers whome who he is operating on then putting the unborn baby into the dragons whome, then he leaves with the unborn baby that's in the dragon without anyone knowing, four months later the King of Kings is born and is born with incredible dragon like abilities from being in the dragons whome and being born from the dragon, and now this man who now calls himself Dragon Man is told by his saviour who also raised him that he calls his father, finally tells Dragon Man about his mother's execution and Dragon Man set's out to claim his revenge which leaves Dragon Man at war with an entire Kingdom which is a war Dragon Man don't intend on losing.…



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A baby's heart fails while in her mother's whome so a man performs a heart transplant on the baby while it is still in its mother's whome, but the only downfall from the heart transplant is that the only heart for the heart transplant the man who is performing the heart transplant could find at the time is a baby dragons heart. then because of the baby being born with a dragon heart, when the child is born she grows up finding out that she has dragon like abilities like being able to breath fire and harnessing that fire to control fire, and so much more. Now this lady with her dragon heart who now calls herself Dragon Girl finds herself up against a very wealthy secret organisation because they are keeping her good friend captive and Dragon Girl must find her good friend and rescue her no matter what the cost is.…



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A dragon that has advanced dragon skills dies and its entire body is forged into armour that is worn and used in battle by soldiers then one day the dragons soul decides to return to its body but because its body is armour now when it goes to return to its body it returns to the armour its body was forged into, and because the armour now has a dragon soul in it the armour gains incredible dragon like abilities like being able to create dragon fire fly and more which are abilities that anyone who wears the armour can control. Now a lady aquires the dragon armour and and with calls herself Dragon Lady and now Dragon Lady must use her dragon abilities to defend her kingdom that must take part in a world war.…



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In the year 2050 Scientists develop a pill called elixa, that they invent by recreating and harnessing ancient spiritual medicine and this pill can slightly slow down the rate in which diseases manifest, it can even slightly speed up the rate in which wounds heal, then a man tries to commit suicide by overdosing on elixa pills, but after taking a whole bottle of elixa pills, the man don't die, instead he becomes invulnerable to any physical harm for the rest of his life due to him overdosing on the pills and due to the pills having healing properties, now the army know about this man's talents due to the overdose of elixa pills, and they want him to join their army and fight as a super soldier, but the man refuses, now the army just want to study this man and perform experiments on him so they can harness his amazing abilities, and the man who now calls himself Medicine Man must fight to survive.…



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An immortal who is a universal master of fighting because of his training in different fighting styles from all over the universe, who is three billion years old does the same fighting Kata in the four elements individually for one billion years, then the immortal finds for some reason that because he performed the same Kata in the four elements individually which include earth wind fire and water, for one billion years who ever performs the Kata gains control over the four elements. Now a man is told by the immortal how to performed the Kata that gives you control over the four elements and the man performs it giving him complete control over the four elements. Now this man who now calls himself Element Man is all figured out by a ninja clan thanks to their ninja spy's who gain knowledge of the Kata that Element Man keeps a secret and the ninja clan try to kill Element Man for the knowledge of his Kata and Element Man must use his element abilities to survive.…



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A man from another planet deep inouta space gains knowledge of the force which is the energy field created by all living things which is what Jedis use to gain power, and the man gains knowledge of the force by an accident he has with a machine known as a mechanical energy field reactor which is a futuristic machine that can generate certain types of energy fields and the accident kills the man before being revived, and all this causes the man to gain knowledge of the force and a strange connection and control of it in a machine like way seeing as he gained knowledge of the force by means of a machine, giving him machine like control of the force giving rise to new machine based force powers like being able to control machines using the force and more. Now this man who now calls himself Force Man is sensed by Lord siths who see that the force is strong in Force Man which the Lord siths see as a threat to their existence so the Lord siths set out to kill Force Man and now Force Man must use the force to defeat the Lord siths.…



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Futuristic scientists invent a teleportation machine that can teleport anything anywhere and through generations of teleportation knowledge and by chance the scientists show that they can even teleport unknown matter through space including a human minds, then a lady uses the machine to teleport her mind to another planet but when her mind gets there all of a sudden a alien nuclear bomb destroys the entire planet. Then when the lady teleports her mind back to her body she finds that because her mind was in the explosion of the alien nuclear bomb then her mind was teleported back to her body she now has explosion like abilities like being able to manipulate explosions create bombs with her mind and more. Now this lady who now calls herself Bomb Girl is about into battle with the law now that Bomb Girl has been caught with untold amounts of explosives which give FBI agents a strangefeelingsabout Bomb Girl which leads them to figuring out about Bomb Girls abilities, which give the law and the FBI even more of a reason to catch Bomb Girl and now Bomb Girl must use her abilities to escape the law.…



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A team of scientists invent a teleportation machine and throw an explosive into its teleportation hole but just before the explosive exits the teleportation hole outside of the other end of the other teleportation hole the scientists shut the teleportation machine off, and to their surprise the explosive doesn't come out of the exit of the teleportation hole leaving the scientists to believe that the explosive is stuck in a place in between the teleportation holes, then a lady goes through the same teleportation hole that the explosive went through and when she comes out the other end of the exit of the teleportation hole she finds that because she entered the same teleportation hole that the explosive went through that didn't make it out of the other end, when she makes it out of the exit of the teleportation hole she has explosive abilities like being able to manipulate and control explosives and more. Now this lady who now calls herself Bomb Lady finds out that some of her good friends who are fighting a war have been captured by enemy soldiers and have been ordered executed, and Bomb Lady must use her bomb abilities to save her friends.…



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An alien race has invented alien 3D printing technology in the form of a ring that can 3D print anything instantly, and the materials they use to 3D print anything they got from a peice of every material there is in the universe that took them generations to acquire, and with a peice of every material in the universe shrunk down to the nano scale they are fitted into the alien 3D printing ring and once in the ring can be 3D printed into anything, and the 3D printing ring can be controlled by communicating with the artificial intelligence assistant the 3D ring has built into it, which through brain waves can also read your mind to take commands. Now an alien with this 3D printing technology has crash landed on earth, and a man finds the alien 3D printing ring in the wreckage of the alien spaceship, and the alien artificial intelligence in the 3D printing ring show's him how to use the 3D printing ring, but the 3D printing ring is damaged from when the alien spaceship crash landed and the only thing it can 3D print now are human explosives. Now the aliens who created the 3D printing ring know the man who found the alien spaceship has the 3D printing ring and they don't want humans to have their technology, so they now hunt the man who found their 3D printing ring who now calls himself Bomb Man and Bomb Man must fight these aliens to survive.…



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An artificial intelligence assistant that belonges to a special type of technology that is in the form of a advanced technological smart ring, is separated from its smart ring and is trapped in a huge twister on an unknown planet that goes on for thousands of years, then when the artificial intelligence assistant is finally free of the twister and reunited with it's smart ring it finds that because it was trapped in the twister that was on the unknown planet for generations before being rescued and technologically repaired and reunited with it's smart ring it now has twister like abilities that anyone who bares the ring with the artificial intelligence assistant can control which are abilities like manipulating twisters controlling wind and more. Now a lady bares the ring that allows the barer to control its twister like abilities and with the ring now calls herself Twister Woman, and now Twister Woman is up against the notorious Shakles who are a race of aliens who want Twister Woman's ring and Twister Woman must use her twister abilities to defeat these aliens.…



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An advanced alien race invent a freezer that creates the coldest tempures in the universe which are temperatures a milliontimes colder than interstellarspace then the aliens equipt the alien freezer with its own artificial intelligence assistant, then when the aliens attempt to make the alien freezer even colder the alien freezer gets destroyed and so does the artificial intelligence assistant in it, then some how the aliens manage to get the freezers artificial intelligence assistant back up and running and because the artificial intelligence assistant was apart of the advanced freezer and because the artificial intelligence assistant was destroyed due to the freezer being destroyed then comes back online, it comes back online with the ability to control things that have cold temperatures which includes ice. Now a man takes the artificial intelligence assistant that was destroyed in the experiment and downloads it into a smartring made out of alien technology that he places on his finger, and through advanced alien computer hacking the man has programed the artificial intelligence assistant to listen to his every command giving him the ability to control anything cold. Now this man who now calls himself Ice Man is about to go up against one of the most powerful alien races known who want Ice Mans artificial intelligence assistant that is in his ring even if they have to rip it from him and Ice Man must fight to survive.…