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Clementine finds her self bored in the small town that her mom draggend her family to while in her new year new me kick. While exploring near a waterfall under the bridge she descovers a shack that seems to be as old as time itself and abandoned. Building the courage to finally sneak into the shack Clem finds herself in, what she can only describe as, a world you would only see in a fairytale. What kind of adventures will she get herself into? Who will she encounter on these adventures? Are they friend or Foe?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"We've never had humans here before." He mentioned cautiously. "Where is 'here' exactly?" I ask looking around.He stood up straight and puffed out his chest nice and proud. "Raduriel!" "Uhhh... Rad who?" "Raduriel. This kingdom is my home!" he exclaimed with his arms wide open. "From all the history books I have ever read we have never had your kind here before.""My kind? Like my species? I mean... I'm human, we're not exactly uncommon. You're a fairy right?" "Only for as long as I've been alive" He said with a wink making my cheeks flush pink. "And humans are uncommon here. Unheard of actually."…



246 41 28

Abandoned at birth, unwanted, an aspiring musician works to over come her past and the obstacles that life has seen fit to put in her way. will she cave and take what life hands her? or will she fight for her dreams?…