Gods Amongst Men || BNHA - MHA

Gods Amongst Men || BNHA - MHA

601 51 10

People are not born equal, because even in a superhuman society, very few are handpicked by the old gods themselves. Aine Collins still wasn't so sure her Quirk was quite the gift that her gods claimed it to be. Rumored to be death incarnate, all she wants is for the world to stop treating her like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. Desperate to prove she and her Quirk have the potential to be good, she sets her sights on the coveted U.A. High School Hero Course alongside her explosive cousin Katsuki. When Aine and her gifts are deemed to be too unstable, she turns to the one person that seems to understand what it's like to be treated like a villain.But students aren't the only ones being manipulated by U.A. and the HPSC.Siren was finally sitting pretty in the Greek Hero Charts Top 10 when she lost her Grandfather. Too fast for her own good, she's quick to realize just how hard it will be to leave half her heart behind in Musutafu. When a new teaching position opens up at the top Heroics school in the country, Theodora jumps at the opportunity to serve the people of Japan while still taking care of her own, but she learns all too soon that the Hero Public Safety Commission has other plans for her in mind.Outside of U.A., the whispers of change can no longer be ignored in the Hero world. When the great Symbol of Peace and all he stands for slowly begins to crumble, society as it's known is forced to adapt, leaving everyone to question who will be the next Gods amongst men. Book One of the Living Legends Trilogy, following the U.A. Beginnings Saga. Also available on A03 under the same title and username.…

Forged In Fire || ATLA

Forged In Fire || ATLA

15,904 764 25

Fire was an element that either commanded respect or consumed fear. Aelita Kenshin had experienced both feelings during her sixteen years of life. A firebending master reduced to nothing but the hollow shell of what she once was, the smell of blood and burnt flesh haunted her every waking moment. The Butcher of Ba Sing Se no longer trusts the power beneath her fingertips, because she killed the last airbender. The entire world believed the Avatar to be dead and nearly all of the Akira's world thought she was too. Forced to leave Aelita behind without even her body to say goodbye to, Aang and the others grapple with the grief that threatens to overwhelm them with only their desire for peace and justice to push them forward. Years had passed since the children of Fire Lord Ozai had pretended that they were a family. Welcomed home as war heroes next to their sister, twin Princes Zuko and Zetzu are thrust back into the game of thrones. Saddled with guilt and anger alike, the two are forced to face the demons that threaten to burn them alive but with tensions rising faster than Sozin's Comet approaches, it soon becomes clear that only one of them can be left to inherit their family's scorched legacy.Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have the desire, will and energy to achieve what they want. Only time will tell if that power and desire will be too much to handle as the fate of the world is forged in fire. Book Three of the series Akira: The Legend of Aelita. Proceeded by Book Two: Carved in Rock, and Book One: Reborn in Water. Now available on A03 under the same titles and username.…

Carved In Rock || ATLA

Carved In Rock || ATLA

107,867 5,212 65

How are you supposed to move forward when you can't stop regretting your past?Everyone walked away from the Battle of The Sun & The Moon a different person than they were before. With no time to mourn the loss of Princess Yue the team sets their sights on the Earth Kingdom; Aang needing to master earthbending and the Earth King's support vital to win the war. There the Avatar struggles with the stubborn element while the Akira struggles with her own inner turmoil. Free to make her own choices for the first time ever, Aelita finds herself in a near-constant battle with her inner demons. The life she once knew is long gone and the girl she once was has slowly been dying ever since that fateful night in Spirit Oasis. Shukaku said she and Aang would know when the world needed a warrior or a pacifist, but the signs are far from easy to read.But Aelita Kensin isn't the only one with demons. Walking away from the girl that used to be his peace and seeing his throne slip from his fingers has left Zuko resentful and hurt. If this was his rock bottom, he wasn't sure there was any climbing up. With fire quickly breathing down his neck the banished Prince must decide who he wants to be before the choice is made for him. Everything the Fire Lord worked so hard for was steadily being destroyed by a little girl. One son was a failure, his only brother a traitor, the Avatar a threat and Aelita Kenshin a problem he should've dealt with long ago. Admiral Zhao's loss at the North Pole was the first major defeat the Fire Nation ever had under Ozai's rule and he swore he'd stop at nothing to make sure it was his last. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. More determined than ever the team is ready to dig their heels in, prepared to face the war and any new challenges head on. No one is safe from change as they are carved in rock.Book Two of the series Akira: The Legend of Aelita. Proceeded by Book One: Reborn in Water, followed by Book Three: Forged in Fire.…

Reborn In Water || ATLA

Reborn In Water || ATLA

351,700 14,753 63

Aelita had never believed that Zuko would find the Avatar alive and well. Zuko dreamed that airbender wouldn't be alone.Aelita Kenshin never had much of a say in her own life. For as long as she could remember every major decision was made for her from who to talk to, how to act, and who to marry. For years she played the part of the good daughtee knowing she had the two people who meant the most to her; her father and her best friend - the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation.Aelita's whole world came crashing down the day her father was accused of treason, leaving only Prince Zuko in her corner. When the boy is banished and sent on a hunt for a dead man, Aelita is all too willing to follow. Everything changed the day the Avatar came back.Water is the element of change, and the people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things. Finally free to decide who it is she wants to be, will Aelita choose the loyal girl she was or the selfless hero the world so desperately needs her to be?Book One in the series Akira: The Legend of Aelita. Followed by Book Two: Carved In Rock, and Book Three: Forged in Fire. Now available on A03 under the same titles and username.…