Double Trouble ~HP (Tomarry)

Double Trouble ~HP (Tomarry)

151,365 6,634 20

Harry Potter is frustrated by the turn of events!How did he become a Master of an immortal being?How did he come back in time?Why does he have to take care of his younger self? Why has the Dark Lord become so obsessed with him? Why is Draco Malfoy for Merlin's sake! staring so intensely at his younger self?Why is Voldemort glaring at his date?And for the love of Merlin!Why is his life so messed up??Harry Potter x Lord Voldemort #There will be two Harrys in this story; Harry junior and Harry senior. So double ships: Senior Harry x Voldemort & Junior Harry x Draco(P.S: This is my first BL so do excuse if my knowledge or writing is limited and a bit messy.) Harry Potter does not belong to me. It is the sole property of J.K. Rowling.…

The Alternate Universe: Boy-Who-Lived

The Alternate Universe: Boy-Who-Lived

460 37 1

Harry Potter ends up in an alternate reality after he...well you know dies...And well the...Harry Potter luck....activates!Severus Snape is alive and is....acting weirdly nice towards him....and Harry won't admit that he is CREEPED all!Draco Malfoy is there too and....Harry and him get along....strangely well....although Harry is WEIRDED out by it. Harry is not the Boy-Who-Lived but, someone else is...and Harry can't express his happiness at that!Lily Evans is still alive...and let Harry tell you...she is nothing like Harry had expected and Harry is definitely not complaining!And most importantly, the body he is surrounded by mysteries....which Harry would rather not indulge in!So yeah, that's it pretty much....oh and well, the Dark Lord is not after him but after the boy-who-lived of this dimension (or so Harry thinks)..and yet again Harry is definitely not complaining!…

DEAD ~HP (Tomarry)

DEAD ~HP (Tomarry)

2,134 142 2

It's simple! Harry Potter is dead!The death eater's are celebrating and the order is mourning!But, just why is the Dark Lord acting so strange, with the news of his mortal foe being dead?If that is not enough, suddenly a mysterious heir of Harry Potter emerges, shocking the whole of the wizarding world! Not even Harry's own friends know of this mysterious child's existence or origin!To make the matter even more ridiculous, Harry Potter's heir gets adopted by the Malfoy's!And why is it that the dark lord who, is reminded of his late nemesis whenever he looks at the child, gets so irritated by the fact that Harry Potter had an heir with someone?Well, this time Fate surely is playing a dangerous game with the lives of the two mortal enemies!…