your last | klaroline

your last | klaroline

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vampires can't procreate.that was the rule every vampire had to agree to in order to turn. caroline didn't have a choice, seeing as katherine was the one who unwillingly turned her. but caroline grew accustomed to that fact, and gradually accepted it. so, years later, when caroline found herself pregnant with the most powerful hybrid in the world's baby, she could barely comprehend what was going on. two opposite souls, reunited over a miracle baby belonging to both of them. +++ [ a klaroline story ] { no hope, lizzie, josie, hayley } < klaroline, delena, kennet, mabekah >EW ENWHWNHS EWhey guys don'tWHY DO U GUYS LIKE THISoki was eleven years oldwhen i wrote thisleave me alonehow was i supposed to knowwhat the fuck a uterus was…