Capturing Ella

Capturing Ella

7,427 500 74

Ella's life has been unorthodox to say the least. At the age of four, a horrendous car crash killed the majority of her immediate family apart from one brother a few years older than her. A year later, she was adopted but for years struggled through the foul side effects, both physically and mentally, of the trauma. Seventeen years later, at the age of 21, Ella plans a girls holiday away back to England with a few friends, but the trip quickly turns sour when the girls discover an uninhabitable island - with their own residence. There was something about this island that Ella couldn't shake, but reluctantly leaves the island, and her only brother, behind. Joe has always isolated himself from everyone, although it was through choice. Joe was considered one of the "popular" kids - but only preferred to hang around his true friend. On his 21st, Joe is hired by a secret base for people with mind powers, or Savants. A few months into work, a new girl joins the base. Rumours have it, she's the adopted sister of one of bosses. However, an extreme threat placed against the two causes them to flee back down to Cornwall, and they find out more about themselves then they originally intended. They both find out a secret that will hold them together, but might end up killing them both.…

Breaking Hope (Finding Sky edit)

Breaking Hope (Finding Sky edit)

9,231 378 46

Hope has always been considered abnormal for as long as she can remember. Found in a multi-store car park at the age of six, she had no memories or recollection of her past - not even her own name - and has always felt lacking. However, when her parents relocate to Colorado, she finds out there's more to her - and the ski town's notorious bad boy family - than she originally anticipated. Sixteen year old Oscar Weeks stalks through the school, terrorising those who give him anything more than a sideways glance. Him, his six brothers and only sister, are well known in the area for causing mischief and mayhem in the local area. But, as Hope grows close to the family, she realises there's more to them - and to her - then she realises.PLEASE NOTE: The characters I have written are based loosely on the characters written in the Finding Sky triology by Joss Stirling, all I have done in changed names and slight characterisations. The story line whilst similar at the beginning gets more loosely based near the end.…