To Catch a Pirate

To Catch a Pirate

1,439 168 57

Nelly doesn't care for pirates. Especially not for pirates like the Red Lady, famous, smart and ready to spill blood. In fact she hopes that she will never, ever meet one of those dangerous individuals. The only problem is that the crew of the Royal Bird, the ship she is working on, has been sent on a mission to capture said pirate captain. // The story is completed and will be updated every two days. This story is not historically accurate because I was not in the mood for homophobia, racism, sexism and things like that. Also I don't know to much about history and had to google everything.If you like the story I would be extremely happy about any votes/comments. And now, please enjoy the show!…

If There Was Love For Me

If There Was Love For Me

6,171 302 28

Despite her young age Maria has everything prepared to become a nun, spending the rest of her days reading, writing and praying. Her plans change, however, when a Maid in Waiting is caught stealing, and the princess decides to give her the now free position. Between the princess and the other ladies Marie feels more at home than she can remember ever feeling, but even now there is one thing she can only tell her dairy, because she is in love and it is not with a man.// Hello wattpad, I am writing again and this time in english. If you have any notes on my english or the story in general please leave it in the comments, any feedback is greatly appreciated. I will try to update regularly, but life is crazy and I can't promise anything. Anyway I really like this story and I hope you do too :)…



624 30 13

Die meisten Menschen würden sagen das ich mit Fünfzehn viel zu jung für die Ehe bin. Ich stimme ihnen da vollkommen zu, doch leider habe ich als Prinzessin keine Wahl.Ihr denkt jetzt vielleicht das sei Stoff für eine wunderbare romantische Geschichte, doch weder ich, noch der Prinz den ich heiraten soll wollen diese Hochzeit. Doch nicht nur ich und der Prinz sind gegen diese Hochzeit. Unsere Länder sind seit langem verfeindet und es gibt Menschen die die Hochzeit verhindern möchten. Leider sind wir an einem Punkt an dem er nur zwei Optionen gibt. Hochzeit oder Krieg.…