Perfect RoomHates (On Hold)

Perfect RoomHates (On Hold)

1,618 243 3

❝ Love is something to be built rather than be found ❞•••••••••••••❥︎Grace Spark is a 21-year-old literature graduate with a new internship in Paris. She intends to move in with her boyfriend, but he abandons her, leaving her lonely and demotivated as she travels through the cheerful city of love.To make matters worse, she ends up sharing her room with the person who gave her a not-so-good start at the Paris airport, Casson Gray.And well, there begins the real trouble.…

Floral | Graphic Shop

Floral | Graphic Shop

5,254 407 32

Closed :(»Note that edits are mine but pictures are not. All credits go to the rightful owners.…