Lyrics to songs i love

Lyrics to songs i love

176,692 985 283

This is lyrics to some songs I love. Please Do not judge me. Also just wanna add I'm not bi or lesbian. I have nothing against them I'm just not one. I am also not a whore or hoe or easy. I just really like these songs.…

Two Mates??!

Two Mates??!

244 3 4

Raven's parents never told her, when one day they realize she's so close to the change. They tell her what she is. Part wearwolf. Part vampire. She has two mates somewhere out there. The day of her change she discovers both.…

Alpha Mate (Derek Hale Love Story)

Alpha Mate (Derek Hale Love Story)

10,964 290 6

I'm not really good at story's but I'm gonna give it a try. Maxine moves to Beacon hill with her parents and siblings for her dads job. When she gets there shes bitten by something in the woods. she meets some friends and even falls in love with the mysterious Derek Hale. Does everything go as she wants or does her life get screwed up?…

Lyrics to more songs I love