Falling Roses || Apollo [1]

Falling Roses || Apollo [1]

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Apollo used to be a god.Now, as a punishment, he is turned into a mortal.He meets his first mortal companion, Meg McCaffrey, whom claims his servitude.When he first has flashbacks of Daphne and Hyacinthus, he sees a girl that he doesn't remember.Then, as he receives more dreams and visions, Apollo becomes sure that the girl was important in his life.When he was in trouble, she came. When he was in need of aid, she came. It was the girl from his memories.Or so he thought.She claims to be a look-alike, and that she had no idea what he was talking about.But Apollo knows that she's lying.Will he ever find out the truth? Or will he be kept in the dark forever?#1 in trialsofapollo as of October 17, 2021โ€ฆ