Imagine This (boyxboy)

Imagine This (boyxboy)

883 29 11

Kaleb and Ethan are best friends, they have been ever since Preschool. But their in highschool now, freshman year.Kaleb is what you would describe as rowdy, and tough. He'll stick up for himself, and Ethan. He's hot tempered, the only one who can tame him is his best friend. Although hes hot tempered, he can make friends quite easily, saying that he is an extrovert. He can't control his feelings, if he gets mad, its best you run. If he gets sad, its best you leave him alone. Ethan is what you would describe as shy, and soft. He doesn't know how to stick up for himself since hes a little too nice. To be honest, he can never get mad. Instead he'll get sad and cry, most of the time. He doesn't get mad, but he'll get upset, he can get a bit... A LOT salty. Ethan is an introvert, he doesn't find making friends very interesting. He'd rather stay inside and watch his favorite shows all day than make friends. Ethan can control his feelings, but if he gets mad, its best you stay and help him, if he gets sad, its best you be there for him. But he only wants Kaleb to be there for him.He only wants Kaleb. That's all he wants.…



167 7 19

Welcome to, "stuff"! where I! Pro_Shipper! (and possibly Banilla) will be jotting down thoughts and ideas! Here, you can enjoy dirty jokes! weird one-shots! late night thoughts! puns! (maybe) art! (possibly never) And much more! (pls help me)…