The Triple Hybrid

The Triple Hybrid

37,731 843 41

Just in a heartbeat, things change, even if we don’t want, things are changed, and, the things that should change don’t change. Caroline Forbes, realizes a completely different reality that she had imagined. Witches? - Who have gifts? That make spells and magic? That speak Latin to do it? Vampires? – That, when the sun rays touch them, they burn? Who have pointy teeth? That drink blood from the throat of the Humans? Werewolves? - People who change their shape for wolves in the Full Moon? That suffer from some kind of mutation? Hybrids? - The most dangerous supernatural beings existing on Earth? A mixture of both vampires and werewolves? All these things which, before, were no more than dreams and scary stories that people love to imagine, become part of her everyday life. All these problems start to be part of her world by the arrival of a student in her class, Klaus, because of him, everything collapses. His problems are also hers, and her problems are his too. And, it creates new problems covering both of them. What can happen because of their union? What kind of new problems will be created? What about the witches, vampires and werewolves around the world?What will they think about it? Read to find out! This story is just my way to tell you guys the Klaroline story, but it's not a story of Mistic Falls, it's little based on TVD and The Originals, I use the names of some characters. The story is different and I hope you guys enjoy! :)…

The Triple Hybrid (Versão Portuguesa)

The Triple Hybrid (Versão Portuguesa)

32,470 1,614 41

Apenas num piscar de olhos, as coisas mudam, mesmo que nós não queiramos, as coisas mudam e, as coisas que devem realmente mudar, não mudam.          Caroline Forbes, apercebe-se de uma realidade completamente diferente que ela tinha imaginado.          Bruxas? - Quem tem dons? Que fazem feitiços e magia? Para isso têm de falar latim!?          Vampiros? - Quando os raios de sol lhes tocam a pele eles ardem? Quem tem dentes pontiagudos? Que bebem o sangue dos humanos para sobreviver          Lobisomens? - As pessoas que mudam sua forma para os lobos na noite de lua cheia? Que sofrem algum tipo de mutação?          Híbridos? - Os seres sobrenaturais mais perigosos existentes na Terra? A mistura de ambos os vampiros e lobisomens?          Todas essas coisas que, antes, não eram mais do que sonhos e histórias de terror que as pessoas gostam de imaginar, tornam-se parte da sua vida quotidiana. Todos esses problemas começam a fazer parte do seu mundo pela chegada de um aluno à sua escola, Klaus, por causa dele, tudo muda.Os problemas dele são também os seus, e os problemas dela são seus dele também. E, criam-se novos problemas que cobrem os dois.          O que pode acontecer por com a sua união?          Que tipo de problemas novos serão criados?          E as bruxas, vampiros e lobisomens de todo o mundo? O que eles vão pensar sobre isso?           Lê para descobrires!                              Esta história é apenas a minha maneira de vos contar a vocês a história de Klaroline, um pouco baseado em TVD e The Originals, eu uso os nomes de algumas personagens. A história é diferente das séries e eu espero que vocês gostem! :)…

Golden Star

Golden Star

246 14 2

Many years ago, Gods and Demigods lived among us. But, as time went by, the Demigods start to born extremely weak, barely stronger than humans. And to back it up, the Demigods became extremely obsessed with their parents powers, wanting to have them, begging Zeus to give them the power to stand out among the gods and to be better than their own parents. Zeus, scared for his Gods, commanded that all of the unpowered Demigods were killed, or sent to live on Earth with the humans, like that, they would not bother the Gods anymore. The oldest Demigods that hadn’t powers, were killed, because their ambition was starting to grown bigger, the youngest ones were sent to Earth, as they had agree. But, the Demigods that had powers, were forced to live in the Olympus, only leaving when they asked directly to Zeus. And after that, the born of Demigods became forbidden. All of this happened long before the XX century.Aglaia is a Demigoddess, daughter of Aphrodite, born in the early nineties. But Aglaia doesn’t even imagine or knows what she truly is. The thing is, Aglaia was born in the forbidden time of Demigods. Her mother, Aphrodite, sent her to Earth, choosing the adoptive parents of her daughter, people who take good care of her. Aglaia had notion that she was adopted but she never knew some of the secrets that her parents kept from her. Time goes by, and she starts to become like the old Demigods, with powers.What will happen when, in the Olympus, they start to notice that she is a Demigoddess with powers? Read it to find out.…