Dating drummer boy

Dating drummer boy

83 0 16

The pros and cons of dating drummer boy. Oh where do I begin. My name is Maeve Rose and I live in LA, California. See that's a good beginning. Ok, this is about my good and mainly bad experiences dating band boys. For me, it's been a series of ups and down, so buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the rollercoaster ride of events, called my dating life. Catchy isn't it?…

I don't need a Prince

I don't need a Prince

107 2 20

I, Fern Lockwood, am perfectly fine on my own. I'm the daughter of a single mom and was bought up to be a strong independent woman. So why does everyone around me tell me I need a man?…

Just the four of us

Just the four of us

238 2 27

Charlottes life is seemingly perfect. She has a great friendship circle and 'The Perfect boyfriend'. But is he that perfect? Will her friends save her when she needs it?…