I'm not a Midoriya.

I'm not a Midoriya.

23,860 874 9

BNHA x The way to protect the female lead's older brother (Manhwa).-------Why was his sister gifted but he was kicked to the curb.. to be sold off and never to be seen again in Musutafa.Trying to survive against the odds, his lies and technique caught the eyes of two siblings in the middle of a test.They recognized his efforts to survive.. a hint of curiosity is what rebuilt Izuku Midoriya into Jeffery 'Izuku' Agriche. Jeremy Agriche's new "Twin" brother.â€Ķ

The Youngest Briar

The Youngest Briar

51,982 2,096 9

𝘠𝘊ð˜ģ𝘰 𝘉ð˜ģ𝘊ð˜Ēð˜ģ 𝘕𝘰ð˜ļ 𝘎ð˜Ŋ𝘰ð˜ļð˜Ŋ ð˜Ēð˜ī 𝘠𝘊ð˜ģ𝘰 𝘍𝘰ð˜ģð˜Ļð˜Ķð˜ģ. 𝘠𝘰ð˜ģ'ð˜ī ð˜Ēð˜Ĩð˜°ð˜ąð˜ĩð˜Ķð˜Ĩ ð˜ī𝘰ð˜Ŋ ð˜Ēð˜Ŋð˜Ĩ 𝘈ð˜Ŋ𝘚ð˜Ē'ð˜ī ð˜Ŋð˜Ķð˜ļ ð˜īð˜ĩð˜Ķð˜ąð˜Ģð˜ģ𝘰ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķð˜ģ! "𝘠𝘊ð˜ģ𝘰! 𝘚ð˜Ē𝘚 ð˜Đ𝘊 ð˜ĩ𝘰 𝘓𝘰𝘊ð˜Ĩ 𝘍𝘰ð˜ģð˜Ļð˜Ķð˜ģ, ð˜Đð˜Ķ'𝘭𝘭 ð˜Ģð˜Ķ 𝘚𝘰ð˜ķð˜ģ ð˜Ŋð˜Ķð˜ļ 𝘧ð˜Ēð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķð˜ģ!" "𝘐 ð˜īð˜Ķð˜ģ𝘊𝘰ð˜ķð˜ī𝘭𝘚 ð˜Ĩ𝘰ð˜Ŋ'ð˜ĩ ð˜ķð˜Ŋð˜Ĩð˜Ķð˜ģð˜īð˜ĩð˜Ēð˜Ŋð˜Ĩ ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩð˜ģð˜Ķð˜Ŋ.. 𝘰ð˜Ŋð˜Ķ'ð˜ī ð˜Ē ð˜Ūð˜Ķð˜īð˜ī ð˜Ēð˜Ŋð˜Ĩ ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķ 𝘰ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķð˜ģ'ð˜ī ð˜ķð˜Ŋð˜ąð˜ģð˜Ķð˜Ĩ𝘊ð˜Īð˜ĩð˜Ēð˜Ģ𝘭ð˜Ķ" "𝘐𝘧 ð˜ĩð˜Đ𝘊ð˜ī ð˜Ūð˜Ēð˜Ŋ ð˜ĩð˜ģ𝘊ð˜Ķð˜ī ð˜ĩ𝘰 ð˜Đð˜Ēð˜ģð˜Ū ð˜Ū𝘚 ð˜Ū𝘰ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķð˜ģ...-" 𝘈ð˜Ŋ𝘚ð˜Ē ð˜ąð˜Ē𝘭ð˜Ķð˜Ĩ ð˜Ēð˜ĩ ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķ ð˜Ļð˜ģð˜Ēð˜ąð˜Đ𝘊ð˜Ī ð˜ĩð˜Đ𝘰ð˜ķð˜Ļð˜Đð˜ĩð˜ī 𝘊ð˜Ŋ ð˜Đð˜Ķð˜ģ ð˜Ģð˜ģ𝘰ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķð˜ģ'ð˜ī ð˜Đð˜Ķð˜Ēð˜Ĩ. - [ Manga Spoiler !! ]â€Ķ

Izuku's Back Hoes

Izuku's Back Hoes

162,897 4,722 23

It was fine, Izuku didn't care when he was bullied.He had his mother, his friends, everything was fine in Japan.Sure, his idol kinda crushed his dream and all his hope was shattered but he still saved his bestfriend..He saved him so why are people scolding him?What hero just stands by when seeing someone in trouble.."All Might, I apologize but I have to refuse. I'll be a hero without a quirk"Yeah UA didn't work out that well- oh well, back to America we go.â€Ķ

Parental Love (WMMP)

Parental Love (WMMP)

43,232 1,914 10

Alt title : Neighboring KingBtw : Updates are slow :V------------"Do the thorns not hurt?"...Athanasia saw in Claude's eyes how much he didn't care. At the age of 9, this sudden truth struck her like lightning. But, what if princess Athanasia suddenly disappeared, according to the maids of the ruby palace. She had died a few days after her 9th birthday.... "Daddy!!""Athy!! We want a hug too!""No fair dad! we want to play with Athy too!"â€Ķ