How she stopped the bullying.

How she stopped the bullying.

14 0 3

Just a short story done for an English assignmentSorry if it's not the best, I don't usually write stories. Enjoy! "Their tears were like mini waterfalls at this point. They ran into the cafeteria and sat down with the girls."…

Red, Green, Blue  | The First Chapters

Red, Green, Blue | The First Chapters

424 28 14

A story (series really) that I had drawn a bit backHere's the re-written version of the original (first) comicsIt is FanficMarkiplier (red) Jacksepticeye (green) and Crankgamplays (blue)- get trapped in a digital forest- how do they escape?(Featuring Many egos as well)…

Random writing excerpts

Random writing excerpts

29 0 13

It's just venting at this point, I mean, read it if ya want, I'm just getting my thoughts out there so I don't keep it all bottled up…