Awake, and Unafraid (Frerard, Rikey)

Awake, and Unafraid (Frerard, Rikey)

197,482 8,279 20

Frank Iero has lived in Belleville all his life, but when Gerard Way moves back his whole life gets turned upside down. Gerard had some problems in the past and is tying to start fresh, and he finds out it isn't that hard to make friends. But do you believe in love at first sight? Because it almost seems as if they both fall instantly... For eachother? ***COMPLETED***…

Un malheur ne vient jamais seul (Frerard)

Un malheur ne vient jamais seul (Frerard)

2,071 117 5

"Frank Iero is miserable, and one day decides to commit suicide. When he gets to the top of the building from which he decides to jump off, a strange voice starts talking to him, and makes him reconsider his dessicion. He finds out that the voice is someone- or something-or somewhat of a someone, that would cause his life to dramatically change.…

The Sharpest Lives FRERARD FERARD

The Sharpest Lives FRERARD FERARD

176,912 7,539 25

Frank Iero and Gerard Way have been in My Chemical Romance for twelve years, but when they break up, everything falls apart in front of them. Gerard's depression comes back and no one knows how to handle it. But when the two are united after the six months they haven't seen each other something happens... Something they though was in the past... But what happens When Bandit is stolen from him? What with they do to get her back? How far will Gerard go to be happy again?…

Famous Last Words (Third Book to Awake and Unafriad)

Famous Last Words (Third Book to Awake and Unafriad)

76,946 3,702 19

A/n: Frank and Gerard were in love. Were. After Frank's head got bashed with a rock, he had lost a small part if his memory. He forgot that Gerard was his lover, the man he had always needed. But Frank I doesn't remember him, so he moves on. Gerard tries to move on, and gets a job as a cartoonist for Cartoon Network. On the day 9/11, something bad happens to Gerard. What will happen with Frank and Gerard then?…

Asleep, Or Dead (Frerard, Rikey)

Asleep, Or Dead (Frerard, Rikey)

92,598 4,259 17

SEQUEL TO AWAKE AND UNAFRAID!! It's now summer and Gerard Way and Frank Iero have finally confessed their love for each other. They think they have a fun filled summer ahead of them, but it turns out not to be what they thought it was. When Jimmy Urine challenges them, what will happen? What happens when Vanessa blackmails Gee? Maybe they don't see the destruction that's heading their way...…

A Hail Of Bullets (Frerard One-shot)

A Hail Of Bullets (Frerard One-shot)

3,329 122 1

A frerard one shot, based on the song demolition lovers…