

96 0 10

An infinite maze of yellow walls. A horrifying Ohioan backbursting parasite. And one chance to save the world.โ€ฆ

Foundation and Dystopia

Foundation and Dystopia

69 0 9

In the future city of Santa Fe, people are divided into the houses of Medic, Engineer, and Heavy. For those with no special abilities, there is Foundation. Foundation mines the salt the city needs to survive on massive saltcrawlers, yet they risk death nearly every day, facing attacks from the massive saltworms that live just under the salt desert's surface. Leo Seldon has belonged to Foundation all his life.But when a kindly old man in his house reveals himself to be more than he seems, his life is about to change...Again, this is a joke story. Please don't take it the wrong way.โ€ฆ

Revenge of the Dictatorship

Revenge of the Dictatorship

16 0 7

Years after the Ohiopocalypse, America, now Dystopia, has been split into ten districts, ruled by Supreme Dictator John Johnson. But Lydia Seldon, a girl from district 9, wants to change all this.But will the Dictator stand by and watch this happen?This is a joke story, please don't take it too seriously.โ€ฆ