Secret Royal - Versão Portuguesa

Secret Royal - Versão Portuguesa

1,071 43 8

Todos nós conhecemos a famosa família real inglesa e os seus membros mais famosos. Mas nem toda a gente sabe que esta família tem um segredo obscuro.Os que sabem são a Rainha Isabel II, o Príncipe Filipe, Carlos, Príncipe de Gales, Camila, Duquesa da Cornualha e os Duques de Cambridge.Onde está a sua filha desaparecida? Estará ela algures perto ou longe do Reino Unido?Esta é a sua história.…

Secret Royal - English Version

Secret Royal - English Version

3,717 102 8

We all know the famous English Royal Family and its most famous members. But not everyone knows that this family has a dark secret.Those who know include Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Dukes of Cambrigde.Where is her disappeared daughter? Is she somewhere near or far from the United Kingdom?This is her story.I welcome all comments and likes.…

Princess in Love - Versão Portuguesa (1º Livro)

Princess in Love - Versão Portuguesa (1º Livro)

3,771 115 28

Em 2005, a família real britânica recebeu com bom agrado mais uma nova membra, filha dos Duques de Cambridge que se chama Princesa Helena Elizabete Diana Alexandra Mary. Desde a sua entrada no infantário, na escola até à universidade, vamos ver uma princesa lutadora, algumas complicações pelo caminho. Conhecer a namorada do seu tio Harry Meghan Markle, casamento deles, ter mais irmãos na familia, visitar o bisavô ao hospital. O primeiro discurso dela, conhecer o amor dela na universidade, a morte do principe consorte da Dinamarca Henri e seu funeral, coronavírus, Meghan e Harry deixam a realeza, Jubileu de Prata da Rainha, (...) a Tour pelas Américas, Trooping the Troops. Os patronos que a princesa tem, a Commonwealth Day, o atentado contra ela, as entrevistas de Harry e Meghan e o seu podcat, entre outras.…

Princess in Love - English Version (Book 1)

Princess in Love - English Version (Book 1)

27,166 422 34

In 2005, the British royal family welcomed a new member, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who is named Princess Helena Elizabeth Diana Alexandra Mary. From her entry into kindergarten, school to university, we will see a fighting princess, some complications along the way. Meeting your uncle Harry's girlfriend Meghan Markle, their wedding, having more siblings in the family, visiting your great-grandfather in the hospital. Her first speech, meeting her love at university, the death of Prince Consort of Denmark Henri and his funeral, coronavirus, Meghan and Harry leave royalty, Queen's Silver Jubilee, (...) the paris 2024 olympics, Americas Tour, Trooping the Troops. Enlisting in the Navy, the patrons the princess has, Commonwealth Day, the attempt assassination on her during the concert in Liverpool and the aftermath, Harry and Meghan's interviews and their podcast, among others.…

Separated Sister

Separated Sister

19,193 209 34

On February 5, 1998, 4-year-old Alexia was waiting for her new sister and parents, but when the door opened the world of Alexia and her family was about to change forever.But 22 years later the sisters would meet again.How will the sisters reunite? Would Alexia recognize her sister? Helena's adoptive family - who are they, where do they live!? Helena studies at the university where she will make friends, fall in love (I can say that she is a teammate of Alexia - who is it?? - a tip she was also born in the same year as Helena, but I won't say...) and find out maybe a little bit of your sister's history.Everything will be written in the following chapters...PS: If anyone has a question, or wants to send a message, feel free to.Hope you like it!!!!Feel free to comment and give suggestions and like!!!…

Hermanas Separadas

Hermanas Separadas

6,979 223 29

El 5 de febrero de 1998, Alexia, de 3 años, estaba esperando a su nueva hermana y sus padres, pero cuando se abrió la puerta, el mundo para Alexia y su familia cambiaría para siempre.Pero 22 años después las hermanas se volverían a encontrar.¿Cómo se reunirán las hermanas? ¿Reconocería Alexia a su hermana? La familia adoptiva de Helena: ¿quiénes son, dónde viven? Helena estudia en la universidad donde hará amigos, se enamorará (puedo decir que es compañera de equipo de Alexia - ¿quién es? - un indicio de que también nació en el mismo año que Helena, pero no lo digo. ..) y tal vez descubrir un poco de la historia de su hermanaTodo quedará escrito en los siguientes capítulos...PD: Si alguien tiene una pregunta o quiere enviar un mensaje, por favor hágalo.¡¡¡¡Espero que lo disfruten!!!!…

Irmãs Separadas

Irmãs Separadas

3,388 119 30

A 5 de Fevereiro de 1998, Alexia com 3 anos de idade, estava à espera da sua nova irmã e dos pais, mas quando a porta abriu o mundo de Alexia e da sua família ia mudar para sempre.Mas 22 anos depois as irmãs iriam se reencontrar. Como será o reencontro das irmãs? Será que Alexia reconheceria a sua irmã? A família adotiva de Helena -quem são eles, onde vivem!? Helena estuda na universidade na qual irá fazer amizades, apaixonar (posso dizer que é uma companheira de equipa de Alexia - quem será?? - uma dica ela também nasceu no mesmo ano que a Helena, mais não digo...) e descobrir talvez um pouca da história da sua irmãTudo irá ser escrito nos capítulos a seguir...PS: Se alguém tiver uma dúvida, ou quiser enviar uma mensagem enviem na boa.Espero que gostem!!!!…

My Idol is my ...?

My Idol is my ...?

653 12 3

Y/N (depending on the chapters ahead will reveal her name), her parents are named George Kennedy (45) and Alexandra Kennedy (45). Y/N since she was born had a dream to follow in her father's footsteps to be a football player, since school she played on a football team that competed with other schools at district level, then went to the University of Sunderland where she played for the football team and won the National Universities Champion Trophy, having already joined the Sunderland Academy since she was 8 years old, she was called up to the first team... to going to Arsenal.This story will be written as a "Step by Step" chapter....Please read, write suggestions and like subscribe and comment.…

Serve and Protect

Serve and Protect

88 5 4

One of the few women to reach the rank of sergeant in the US military at the age of 30, she will be deployed to protect Speaker of the US on her visits to Taiwan and South Korea, when a bomb exploded, leaving only 4 survivors. After that, she will serve as Secretary of the Navy in the Taylor and Fitzgerald Administration, she will run for the US Senate for the Democratic party and win the race.In the Senate, she introduces legislation for military veterans and widowers to create more training camps for the navy army (...). When on October 6, 2042, a president urges the public to invade the Capitol to stop, she immediately goes into soldier mode and asks everyone, especially those who are older, to leave early and to take their belongings to the officials who take the folders and electoral certificates and to the other senators of the two parties who come with what they need (classified docs...) and who follow the police and never look back. After what happened, she will give a speech that will change history when she finishes speaking all the senators applaud the speech, (...) after the House of Representatives passed the impeachment resolution against the American president and that also in the Senate passes 89-11 impeachment she is in the senate for another eight years (...). And in two years she runs for the US presidency and wins.What will the future of the USA and the 3rd President look like?…

The Lost Heir of WWE

The Lost Heir of WWE

128 6 4

The story of "The Lost Heir of WWE" will tell how Vince McMahon's daughter (Stephanie McMahon) found out she was pregnant in 1998,until she had an abortion. Then in 2003 her marriage to Triple H (Paul Levesque), and then her daughter's story as told by her. Who got Stephanie's daughter? How will be the reunion between them and their families?…

Servir e Proteger

Servir e Proteger

44 1 5

Uma das poucas mulheres a chegar ao posto de sargento no exército norte americano aos 30 anos de idade, irá ser destacada para proteger a Speaker dos EUA na sua visita a Tawain, quando uma bomba explodiu, deixando só apenas 4 sobreviventes. Depois disso, irá servir como Secretária da Marinha na Administração Taylor e Fitzgerald, candidata-se ao Senado Norte Americano e ganha, aí ela introduz legislação aos veteranos e viúvos dos militares criação de mais campos de treino para o exercito marinha (...). Quando a 6 de Outubro de 2042, um presidente incita o público a invadir o Capitólio para, ela entra logo em modo soldado e pede a todos principalmente aos que estão mais velhos que saiam mais cedo e que levam os seus pertences aos funcionários que levam as pastas e os certificados eleitorais e aos outros senadores dos dois partidos que venham com o que necessitem (doc. classificados ...) e que sigam os policias e que nunca olham para trás. Depois do que sucedeu, ela irá fazer um discurso que mudará a história ao terminar de falar todos os senadores aplaudem o discurso, (...) depois de a Câmara dos Representantes passou a resolução de impeachemt contra o presidente americano (...)…