The Plitinate I I

The Plitinate I I

99 3 18

22 years have past since Bill D. Bones has been executed, And started the Pirate era. 'The Plitinate' a treasure the grants money, power and endless fame. Now a 19 year old boy Dragon D. Jones is setting sail with the Mag Pirates to find it, he is now on the NewLine where Emperors stay. He isn't the only one looking for the treasure though... many others are willing to kill anyone that's on there way. Can he defeat the Emperors and become the Pirate king or will he be like any other pirate, give there life's for something that isn't worth it?. Will he stand up and defeat them or will he end up like everyone in the NewLine did to be called the Pirate graveyard.…

The Plitinate

The Plitinate

772 272 100

22 years have past since the last Pirate King. Bill D. Bones the man who found everything that the world has to offer and more. After his execution many people became Pirates and have entered the SeaLine to find the Treasure loads have died loads have failed some disappeared without a trace... But a 17 year old boy called Dragon D. Jones fears none and is ready to take on any challenges in his way has embraced piracy and is ready to start his Adventure. The question is will he be able to beat all the dangerous in this sea? will he even be able to survive the conditions the SeaLine bring?Find out!…