Devyn and her Fairytale

Devyn and her Fairytale

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Devyn, a girl who finds out her dad is from a fairytail. Goes through so much anger. She decieds to go down the wrong path. Kayden, a boy who has many secrets. Dosen't know how to handle his anger. Takes his anger out in way you can't imagien. Both helping eachother to let go of their anger.…

Vivíana and Peter Pan

Vivíana and Peter Pan

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Who is Peter Pan? Is he good or evil? That is the question most people ask. There are two versions of Peter Pan. One is he kidnaps kids to have friends, another version is he kidnaps kids for his own reasons, and kills them. I believe those versions of Peter Pan are not the real version of Peter Pan. Yes Peter Pan has evil in him, but doesn't everyone? I knew a version of Peter Pan, and I believe that this version of him is truly the real Peter Pan. This story is how I meet Peter Pan, how we become friends, our adventures, our story, and who he was to me. (Post only on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday)…