A Dozen White Roses

A Dozen White Roses

2 0 1

"There was silence for a long time. And it was uncomfortable and heavy and I hated it. I hated myself, I hated her, and for the first time, I hated you. Why did you have to go and leave me like that? What did I ever do to deserve losing you? It was stupid, what I was thinking. And it was stupid, that you were dead. And it was all just so, so, so, so incredibly stupid. "A short story by me, cover art is also by me…

Sherlock Headcanons

Sherlock Headcanons

2,366 65 32

Title explains it all. Enjoy!…

Johnlock Oneshots

Johnlock Oneshots

2,661 75 5

Heyo, Johnlock Oneshots. They are meant to be quick reads for when you need a bit of Johnlock in your life because who doesn't need Johnlock? Requests are open so please give me some ideas for these. I hope some people stick with this so enjoy!…