When Worlds Merge

When Worlds Merge

288 10 3

You know the fandoms, you know the characters. But what happens when one character of six universes are chosen to save the entire living life. Will they break under pressure? Or will they put aside their differences and work together? -+*The gods have spoken, the stars have chosen.*+-__________I do not own the characters and the universe. I only own the plot.…

Les descendants des loups

Les descendants des loups

218 28 6

Les loups garous, créatures disparus il y a de la des siècles, partis pour ne jamais revenir n'ont laissé que quelques descendants. Avez-vous déjà entendu parler des chiens garous? Oh pardon ils n'aiment pas se faire appeler comme ça. Bien sûr ces créatures sont des bêtes civilisés et vives comme des humains. Qui sait, il se peut que votre voisin soit un chien garous. On ne les vois pas, mais ils sont là, cachés attendant la venue de leurs ancêtres. Attendant l'Alpha.Naomi Shepherd est l'une d'entre eux. Plus précisément un berger allemand, un des plus puissants et dominants chiens garous. Elle fait partie d'une des meutes les plus puissantes, vivants en harmonie depuis une dizaine d'années. Mais lors de la fête annuelle de la pleine lune, une meute jalouse les attaqua par surprise, tuants la moitié du groupe laissant les vieux à leurs mort et kidnappant les chiots dont le petit frère de Naomi. Rapidement elle va se trouver au milieu d'un tourbillon de conspirations et de mensonges. Va-t-elle réussir à sauver son frère? Pourra-t-elle rester en dehors de toutes ces conspirations? En plus ces dernier temps, elle sens une bête à l'intérieur d'elle attendant son heure pour sortir au grand jour. Pourra-t-elle la contenir? Ou cédera-t-elle sous la pression?_____________Pas de recopie ni de traduction serons tolérés Pas de plagiat ____________Ce livre est dédié à une de mes amies qui sans le savoir m'encourage à continuer à écrire.…

Too slow

Too slow

35,604 1,147 16

One day he was fighting a metahuman that named himself Loki, Barry traveled to another earth and can't come back. There he saves a slow speedster from death and tries to find a way to come back. But what happened if Pietro actually had a mission to capture the intruder, and what if he starts to feel butterflies when he sees him.Flash/Quicksilver BoyxboyI don't own the avengers or the flash…

La liberté du pouvoir

La liberté du pouvoir

9,034 476 18

Automne Firefox est une adolescente intéressante. Sa mère est morte en lui donnant naissance et son père était un mutant, plutôt connu comme Angel. Mais un jour lorsqu'elle était plus petite, la ville natale de la jeune fille se fit détruire par des robots et ce jour là, elle perdit aussi son père. Essayant de garder le plus de discrétion possible, elle décida de garder ses pouvoirs en elle et ne plus jamais les utiliser...ben plus facile à dire qu'à faire. Comment dire...un petit accident attirera l'attention du S.H.I.E.L.D.____________________________________La plupart des personnages appartiennent à Marvel et Disney, mais l'histoire m'appartient. Il se peut que j'ai modifié certains trucs pour qu'ils s'adaptent à mon histoire.____________________________________Pas de plagiat Cela ce peut que je corrige cette histoire lorsque je l'aurais finie, et dsl en avance.Prologue: Corrigé Chapitre 1: Pas corrigéChapitre 2: Pas corrigé Chapitre 3: Pas corrigé Et tous les autres chapitres: Pas corrigés #4 dans la catégorie Marvel le 12/04/2019…

Killer Wave (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)

Killer Wave (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)

44,611 855 20

Sometimes, things don't go as planned...Percy Jackson disappeared. Annabeth thinks that he was killed by the infamous killer: Killer Wave. What happens when she tries to capture him with the help of the avengers and the seven? Will she succeed or will she be killed? And who the heck is Killer Wave?_____________DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE MARVEL AND PERCY JACKSON CHARACTERS.Thanks{completed on September 23, 2019}…



490 45 10

It had happened so fast. Nobody knew why or how.A journey that had started like a lot of others days, but hadn't end like one of them. It was worse than humanity would have thought of. Worse than the big wars, worse than any natural catastrophe.We are not alone...they are there, lurking in the shadows... waiting for the right time to strike.But what could we do now? Other than survive? _________________________________This story is written by eliseandrea2000 and tatoo_xoxCover by LeenhMeiLia…

Who am I (glee and flash crossover)

Who am I (glee and flash crossover)

1,544 42 3

When the warblers are in Central City to visit, Sebastian Smythe gets struck by lightning and he gets amnesia forgetting about all what he have done. He wakes up and he has no other choice but to go to McKinley as Rachel Berry does a prank on him.But what if the prank became reality? What if Rachel actually was into those mysterious green eyes? What would the new directions think of that? And what would she do after she discovers Sebastian speed?ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔI don't own glee or flash.…

The Wolves Legacy

The Wolves Legacy

61 6 3

Werewolves, creatures that disappeared centuries ago, left to never return have left only a few descendants behind them. Have you ever heard about weredogs? Oh sorry, they don't like to be called that way.Of course these creatures are civilized animals and live like normal humans. Who knows, your neighbor may be a weredog. We do not see them, but they are there, hiding waiting for the arrival of their ancestors. Waiting for the Alpha.Naomi Shepherd is one of them. More precisely a german shepherd, one of the most powerful and dominant weredogs. She is part of one of the powerful packs, living in harmony for almost dozens of years. But at the celebration of the full moon, a jealous pack attacked them by surprise, killing half of the members leaving the old ones to their death and kidnapping the puppies like the little brother of Naomi.Quickly she will find herself in the middle of a whirlwind of conspiracies and lies. Will she manage to save her brother? Can she stay out of all these conspiracies? In addition lately, she will feel a beast inside of her waiting for her time to go out in broad daylight. Will she be able to contain it? Or will she yield under pressure?_____________No copying or translation will be tolerated____________This book is dedicated to one of my friends who without knowing it encourages me to continue writing.…

Daughter of a Billionaire & a Soldier

Daughter of a Billionaire & a Soldier

65 6 2

Being the only daughter of an avenger can be tough in general, but being the daughter of two avengers is another story. You can say goodbye to real friends who are not just going to be with you because you have money and your parents are celebrities, and you can say goodbye to the normal activities that fathers do with their daughters, on weekends or on holidays. That's what Bianca Stark-Rogers learned the hard way by living it every second of her life. All she wanted is have a sexy and caring boyfriend that will love her for who she is and not what she has...and maybe her dreams came true when she was assigned a new bodyguard. What's his name again...Ah yes Trevor Barton --------This contains stony which is boy x boy relationship.Laura never existed in this book which mean the other kids aren't existent at all in the universe I created. Clint is married to Natasha and they went to a fertility clinic to have Trevor, as Natasha can't have kids because of the red room.Same goes for Stony.Marvel doesn't belong to me, so I don't own any characters except for my OCs.…

The Moon Warriors

The Moon Warriors

141 29 5

"The world is changing, something bad is lurking in the dark and it's up to you to find it and destroy it"When the world is ruled by a powerful president, the citizens are obligated to obey if they don't want to see their head removed from their body. The powerful rules while the weak one follow.That's the reality where Adam Carter grew up in. Being born powerful doesn't always mean having it all and the teen realized that when he escaped his family. What will happen when Adam meets the disowned girl of the president and that she shows him another way? Can people even change? Or will he be doomed to be rejected all his life?_________No copy or reposting…

Fille d'un Dieu [En pause]

Fille d'un Dieu [En pause]

50 7 1

[EN PAUSE]Lorsque le survivant, la foudre et le faucon feront la paixLe feux s'éveillera pourchassé par son passé Si alors, paix il trouvera, la fin cela serasMais si, le chaos est dans son cœur, la lumière vivra éternellement.La prophétie qui déterminera le sort du monde vient d'être prononcé. Les demi-dieux seront-t-ils capable de la déchiffrer? Que signifie-t-elle?___________________Inspirée de l'univers de Percy Jackson.La majorité des personnages appartiennent à Rick Riordan, mais l'histoire m'appartient._________Pas de plagiatChapitre 1: Pas corrigé…

Avengers What if one shots

Avengers What if one shots

124 6 2


Between the stars and me

Between the stars and me

49 8 3

January 3457The earth has changed. The population has augmented and now everything is limited. The green places are rare and difficult to access. My sister has cancer and I'm scared. I don't want to lose her. The treatments are expensive and we are a poor family. She is all I have. Once she told me: "I wish I could see the real stars before I die"So now, I decided to collect the enormous quantity of money that i need for her to see the stars in the only place where we can see them. I would do all for her. I would sing for her dream. I would do all to see the starsʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔBasically a musical in a book cause why not…