Originality Lyrics

Originality Lyrics

52 0 48

Lyrics originality done by me.Yes, my name is Cristina.…

The Unkept Loneliest Being

The Unkept Loneliest Being

11 0 2

AU of Undertale and lots of background history before the story starts so that everything makes sense for the story.…

Oldest Sibling of Angel Dust

Oldest Sibling of Angel Dust

1,240 14 13

Zelba De Mevius .Eldest sibling.…

Miguel OHara

Miguel OHara

7,945 22 5

spider man across the spider verse. Miguel Ohara.…

Deep within the Darkness unknown/AU// Peaky Blinders

Deep within the Darkness unknown/AU// Peaky Blinders

14 0 5

A clan family, 3 empires. Their first one started in mexico, the second one in usa, and finally their last one in the uk.…

Nanami Stepfather

Nanami Stepfather

3,793 39 6

Nanami Stepfather.…

Mafia StepFather

Mafia StepFather

3,647 27 7

Mafia Step Father.…

Abusive Dad

Abusive Dad

180 1 3


Step Mother

Step Mother

2,919 13 8

Step Mother.…

Your Older Brothers

Your Older Brothers

73 0 5


The Sadness. Thomas Shelby.

The Sadness. Thomas Shelby.

114 6 7

Will it end??Find out.…

Yandere Wally Darling

Yandere Wally Darling

3,869 41 7

Wally Darling Yandere story.…

Older Sister Shelby!

Older Sister Shelby!

29 0 3

This is just an OC so this older sister is older than the boy's .…

Mafiafell AU

Mafiafell AU

6 0 2

Mafiafell AU.…

The underfell mafia

The underfell mafia

4 0 1

If out if Celeste Albrecht lives or not.…


Fiction "family"

4 0 3

This is just about fiction families that's all.…

Diamonds Au steven universe

Diamonds Au steven universe

27 0 5

This is an AU where I have put the diamonds but a little bit more different just read this story.…

The Myth Clan Cats||Cat Warriors|| 1

The Myth Clan Cats||Cat Warriors|| 1

4 0 2

The Myth Clan Cats are a type of cats that are Maine Coon…

How to love.

How to love.

4 0 3

How to love.…

Life Lessons

Life Lessons

7 0 3

Life lessons…