Erato is forcing me to make poems

Erato is forcing me to make poems

48 0 17

Attempting to post one poem a day for at least this month, but possibly longer, let's see.…

The Dream Journal 2

The Dream Journal 2

165 9 44

The long awaited sequel to my good old dream journal document. Our favorite hero from my subconscious returns in this new incoherent journey through life (and multiple worlds) with cameos from people I know in real life, characters I know from media like video games, cartoons and books - some of them don't even exist. What is the true nature of my dream journal? are these events just the lives of alternate mes in alternate universes? is it a prophecy of clairvoyance writing out destiny? Are they fragmented memories of vanished timelines we never knew?WHO KNOWS???All I know is that you will have a uniquely bizarre experience reading this incoherent "story". Expect lots of unexpected twists and random point warping.Also please note it contains apparitions of people from my waking life. So everytime you see a [Name] Its a (fake or real) name of a person I know and not a character.…