The Cracks in the Labyrinth

The Cracks in the Labyrinth

67,758 5,322 50

Evoking the paranoid tension of Rosemary's Baby and the unnerving atmosphere of the cult horror film Jacob's Ladder, The Cracks in the Labyrinth is a disturbing psychological thriller set in present-day Caracas, where the government has devolved into a "democratic dictatorship"-a creepy suspense novel meant to challenge your deeper, subconscious fears of losing control. It consumed the sanity of an entire country... And it was not from this world. It couldn't have been. Whatever caused the incident known as "The Red Christmas" drove Venezuela into madness. Even ten years since it happened, none of the survivors of that night dare to attempt to make sense of it all, including Adam. Living ostracized to hide from the brutal way of life in Caracas, he's working tirelessly as an online writer to help his brother and sister flee the country. Now, as he's about to have enough money to take them to safety, he receives an email from his old girlfriend ... which is remarkable, considering she's been presumed dead for years. Adam tries to think nothing of the email or the broken video file attached to it. He convinces himself that it has to be a computer virus of some kind until he discovers something terrifying: the video might link his sister to the worst night of his life, the night his girlfriend went missing, the night of "The Red Christmas". Then he realizes this could be a threat; his sister's life could be in danger. As he starts to investigate who sent the video, Adam begins to uncover dark truths about his neighbors and finds evidence that there might be a larger conspiracy at play. The problem is that he's starting to suffer from hellish hallucinations that make him question what is real. Soon, the only clear thing to him is that someone doesn't want him to dig up the past. Will Adam be able to stay sane long enough to find out what really happened the night of "The Red Christmas"? Will he succeed in helping his family escape the country?…

Skeletons in the Rain

Skeletons in the Rain

2,164 433 64

A #1 Amazon Charts bestseller, available for the first time in English.In this fast-paced, pulse-pounding thriller, a former priest has to uncover the secret identity of a deadly gang leader while confronting his own dark past.After the death of someone he loved very much, local priest Ismael Niebuhr has vowed to leave the accursed town of San Isidro for good. But the Skulls, a dangerous gang, and their leader the Mime King have other plans for him.They stalk him day and night, asking the same terrifying question: "Who?"Desperate to escape, the priest soon realizes he needs the help of an old friend who he hasn't spoken to in years, Abraham Pérez, the chief of police. The problem is that Ismael and Abe share more than a broken friendship. A dark secret lies between them, a secret that can get everyone they care about killed.This page-turner, filled with twists and turns, mixes the constant tension of modern psychological thrillers like THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN with a writing style akin to Miguel Otero Silva's early work. SKELETONS IN THE RAIN is a novel filled with suspense that you won't be able to put down.…

FEARFUL: Scary Stories of the Evil App

FEARFUL: Scary Stories of the Evil App

47 0 4

My name is Esau Bryant. I'm your average twelve-year-old kid living a boring life. Or at least I was until my twin brother and I found a strange phone in an abandoned mall. After that, my life got a lot scarier.Don't believe me? You will! Before this ends, you'll see it was up to me and my friends to stop an online evil spirit and save everyone, including you!…

KICK ANXIETY'S ASS! 10 Tips to Stay Sane in Times of Crisis

KICK ANXIETY'S ASS! 10 Tips to Stay Sane in Times of Crisis

68 17 9

It's hard out there. It's hard staying inside too.I decided to write this "self-help book" to chip in during this stressful moment in my own way.Long lines and empty shelves at the supermarkets, people afraid of leaving their homes, a crippling financial downturn-I've lived through those terrifying situations before, and I want to share with you a few tips that might save your sanity during these trying times.While some chapters could seem like self-development BS at first glance, they are not. I don't sugarcoat the struggles we are going through either. Whatever you do regularly during this lockdown will become a habit. Think about that!With KICK ANXIETY'S ASS! 10 TIPS TO STAY SANE IN TIMES OF CRISIS, STRESS, AND ISOLATION, my goal is to give you a quick and practical guide to not giving up while we are self-isolating.I hope you'll find value in these pages because what you are going through now is my routine. It might sound dramatic (it's not), but over the last seven years, I've worked full-time from home, I emigrated from my country, and had to reshape my life in countless ways. A lot of it involved being away from my loved ones while also making the most of the great indoors.If you want to learn how I changed my outlook and kept a sense of normality in the face of uncertainty, please read on.…

Fading Echoes

Fading Echoes

92 4 4

These are not poems.This is not a story.This is my soul poured into words.That voice you hear in your head as you read this, that's me. I don't know where I am, but I'm talking to you. Isn't that a miracle?You're hearing the fading echoes of what makes me human.Here you will find no rhyme and little to no reason. There's darkness and fear, but also love and hope.As you read me, I exist.Even if it's only for a minute.…

Las grietas en el laberinto

Las grietas en el laberinto

428 84 27

Evocando la paranoia de La semilla del diablo y la inquietante atmósfera de la película culto Jacob's Ladder, Las grietas en el laberinto es un thriller psicológico de horror que se desarrolla en Caracas, donde el gobierno se ha degenerado en una "dictadura democrática"-una novela de suspense extraña que te obligará a enfrentarte a tus miedos más profundos de perder el control. Consumió la cordura de un país entero...Y no fue algo de este mundo. ¡No pudo serlo! Lo que sea que causó el incidente conocido como "La navidad roja", enloqueció a Venezuela.Incluso diez años después de lo ocurrido, ninguno de los supervivientes se atreven a intentar entender qué pasó, incluyendo a Adán. Viviendo aislado para esconderse de la brutal forma de vida caraqueña, Adán trabaja como un escritor freelance en línea para ayudar a su hermana y hermano a huir del país. Ahora, que está apunto de conseguir suficiente dinero para sacarlos, recibe un correo electrónico de su antigua novia... lo cual es sorprendente, considerando que se presume muerta desde hace años. Adán intenta no prestarle atención al correo electrónico ni tampoco al archivo de vídeo corrupto que éste incluye, hasta que descubre algo aterrador: ese vídeo podría vincular a su hermana con la peor noche de su vida, la noche en que su novia desapareció, la noche de la navidad roja. Entonces se da cuenta de que esto quizás sea una amenaza; la vida de su hermana puede estar en peligro. A medida que empieza a investigar quién envió el video, Adán comienza a descubrir verdades oscuras acerca de sus vecinos y encuentra evidencia de que podría haber una gran conspiración en marcha. El problema es que está comenzando a sufrir de alucinaciones infernales que le hacen dudar qué es real. Pronto, lo único que le queda claro es que alguien no quiere que desentierre el pasado. ¿Podrá Adán permanecer cuerdo el tiempo suficiente para descubrir qué ocurrió? ¿Conseguirá que su fam…

La voz que escuchas

La voz que escuchas

74 6 1

¿Qué pasaría si la voz que escuchas en tu cabeza no fuera la tuya? ¿Cómo sabes que lo que ves realmente existe? Ambientada en un futuro postapocalíptico no muy distante, "La voz que escuchas" nos cuenta la historia de un especialista en armas bacteriológicas que deberá escapar de los neocampos de concentración para así poder viajar en el tiempo y prevenir el apocalipsis zombi.Con ligeros toques de ciencia ficción, "La voz que escuchas" es un cuento corto de terror que en breves minutos juega con la mente del lector haciéndole protagonista, y quizás hasta víctima, de la trama.…