The prince and the peasant

The prince and the peasant

2 0 2

This is a story of how 21 year old Hurrit Patel, a snobby, cold, daddy's boy found love within a peasant girl, 20 year old Mayson Hertz. (Quick note, the cover art isnt done, but I kind of just wanted to have it uploaded for now. it will be changed once I finish it!)…

the outcasts

the outcasts

23 0 3

As havana Martinez is slowly getting over a heartbreak from a past lover, she spots kelen and realizes that what she's feeling is pure love towards him. the only issue is that he already has a girl friend. her names Samantha, but she's not all that great. she barely talks to him and dosnt even show that she likes him. Non the matter, she still has her heart set on having him as her own. as her own outcast lover...…