Random COTE reaction

Random COTE reaction

413,978 6,361 31

This is not a normal reaction fanfic I added some things so basically its my auKiyo will be oocTimeline y1 vol 3 after island examโ€ฆ



978 22 2

My name is Kudo Shinichi I'm a 16 years old detective after a date my childhood friend Mouri Ran I ran into two suspicious people in black suits , So I followed them out of my curiosity leaving her behind , I caught one of them doing illegal actions , but what I didn't expect is his partner who surprised me from behind hitting my head making me losing my consciousness , So in order to get rid of he made swallow a drug that kill without a trace , my body began to heat up , my heart was beating fast me , I felt my bones melting ....when I woke I found out that my body shrunk and you guys probably know the rest ...I went to live in my childhood friend 's father 's house solved crimes on his behalfmet Haibara Ai Aka miyano shiho an ex member of the black organizationworked together with the FBI and other NOC agents in order to bring down the BO Wich we did and now after six months prior my shrinking , Haibara made me an antidote I got my body backand it's time for a new story to unfold.....A/N ( I know shinichi is a 17 not 16 I changed his age in order to get him in ANHS as a first year)โ€ฆ