

21,790 378 28

Whenever something huge changed in books, movies, and television shows, nobody ever expected it. In dystopian settings or natural disasters, nobody knows that their lives are going to change drastically. Following the Netflix series 'The Society', with a new character, whom will play the role of Clark's younger sister. A Gareth Visser 'Grizz' romance. I started writing before I was aware of Grizz's sexuality.…



99 3 3

The expression 'being in the wrong place at the wrong time' could not have summarised this moment more perfectly. "That's the second time now Blake.""I know."…

Back Woods

Back Woods

4,128 92 15

It had always dawned on Tess Dixon that she would end up alone,but being this was the first time that she was actually apart from the group, anxiety and the acceptance of death seemed a lot closer. Tilting her head back to lean on the tree behind her, she could hear the sluggish and hungry groans coming up closer behind her, with a final sigh, she closed her eyes and thought back to a time which ironically now seemed so much simpler. A Walking Dead and Supernatural Crossover. Dean Winchester & OC…