One Piece: Dungeon System

One Piece: Dungeon System

47,294 1,458 60

The year 1522.In area 13, which is located on the island of Saboundy Archepelago, there is a building that has a sign that reads "Guild" neatly installed in front of the entrance of the building.The guild itself is a place where people who want to register as adventurers, report the missions they have completed in order to get rewards, and also go on adventures in dungeons freely while increasing their strength.In just a few moments of appearance from this place, the Guild began to become something that attracted the attention of various powers.World Government.Navy.Emperor of the Ocean.Revolutionary Army.Pirate.Kingdom.Individual.Each of them carried the hope of being able to conquer the place called the dungeon, especially when they knew the benefits they could get after mastering the place.Then, how does this story continue?For those who like my stories, please keep them in the library, and those who don't like them don't need to read them.Pull the anchor!…

One Piece : Sistem Pembangunan Kerajaan

One Piece : Sistem Pembangunan Kerajaan

114,948 9,727 155

Kerajaan Fortis adalah sebuah kerajaan yang baru saja didirikan pada tahun 1520 di wilayah lautan Dunia Baru. Kerajaan Fortis memiliki seorang Raja yang masih memiliki usia yang sangat mudah. Namun, meskipun Raja masih muda, Raja memiliki kemampuan memerintah, kecerdasan tinggi, dan memiliki kepribadian yang baik terhadap orang lain. Ketika Kerajaan ini muncul ke dunia. Ada banyak kekuatan yang ingin mendominasi kerajaan ini terutama Pemerintah Dunia serta beberapa bajak laut besar yang berada di Dunia Baru. Kemudian? Bagaimana kelanjutan ceritanya?Bagi yang menyukai cerita saya harap simpan di perpustakaan dan bagi yang tidak suka tidak perlu membacanya. Tarik jangkar! *******Bagi yang ingin membaca bab lebih. Silahkan kujungi Halaman Websiteku.Link Bahasa Inggris. Bahasa Indonesia…

One Piece: Kingdom Building System

One Piece: Kingdom Building System

291,011 10,527 155

The Fortis Kingdom was an empire that had just been founded in 1520 in the New World's ocean region. The Fortis Kingdom had a King who still had a very young age. However, even though the King is young, the King has commanding abilities, high intelligence, and a good personality toward others.When this Kingdom appeared to the world, many powers want to dominate this kingdom, especially the World Government and some of the great pirates residing in the New World.Then? How's the story going?For those who like my stories, please keep them in the library, and those who don't like them don't need to read them.Pull the anchor!For those who want to read more chapters please visit the link below.Patreon…