Down the Dead-End Street

Down the Dead-End Street

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What do you do when you felt like your life couldn't be better, you've got all that you could wish for, you felt like you're living in a fairytale where nothing can go wrong, and suddenly its all gone...?? Now you find yourself in a dead-end street, you can't go ahead no matter how hard you try and certainly ther's no way back... This is about learning to live after losing it all....Genevieve Moore was through the last year of her college. Full of life, talented, chirpy, and beautiful little Gen one day meets with the incident that changes the course of her life forever and turns her into something she never thought she could be. Just a shell of what she used to be...Zack Shaw, the ladies man, the handsome heart-throb, comes back to his college after being away to complete his honorary degree, only to find his best friend Gen in a complete wreck. Seeing the shell of something she used to be, he realized for the first time why she's always been so special for him. & now he wants nothing more than a genuine smile on her face. Would Zack be able to bring Gen out of her dead-end street?…