Malfoy Manor

Malfoy Manor

2,574 75 9

Cold... it was cold.It was dark...Like, really dark...where was I?that I don't know? But what I do know is that Malfoy is my only way out.(Hello! I hope you like this story. Even though its trash. And hope you like my series the TTWN. Also this is not part of the series! This is a new book! I don't own Harry Potter! All Characters go to J.K. Rowling. Story plot is mine)…

The New King

The New King

68 11 2

This is the Extra book in my series:TTWNThis basically explains everything about the shifting relm and the power range and how Severus Snape was the heir of the kingdom stuff like that... And this book also explains why Draco was the child in the legends kids were told. That will also be explained. And more. And mainly how Draco became king. That's all I guess.Highest rankings:#1- donthavetoread (1/31/21)#6- oldstory (1/31/21)…

The Life Giver #2

The Life Giver #2

310 17 4

This is the second book of the TTWN seriesDraco, Harry, Pansy, Hermione, Ron, and Blaise finished their first part of the plan of getting rid of the Headmaster.... They all needed to find all the Horcrux's before the end of their seventh year. The man known a Voldamort is on the brink of power... And who know what is about to happen.But what they don't know is that someone from the six of them is going to freely give up their life... To save everyone else. Even the cursed.…

This Is The Beginning #1

This Is The Beginning #1

10,785 402 26

The first book of the TTWN seriesRon became well very scared of the littlest things. They also became friends with there old enemy's. (Which are Blaise,Draco, and Pansy.) And I there sixth year Dumbledore became way more suspicious to the three Gryffindors and the three Slytherins. They had all suspected something was wrong in there first year. But they couldn't figure it out. But what suprised them all the most was that Draco Malfoy's mother is not Narcissa "Malfoy"... But someone else...Who could it be?Hello this is my first fan fiction. As you know I do not own the Harry Potter series. They belong to J.K Rawling (I think that is how you spell her name) the plot belong to me. Thanks for reading!Enjoy!Highest ranking:12/22/20 - 1# Snucius…