A New Creation...

A New Creation...

65 1 6

A Different Take on Harley Quinn and The Joker...Before they became The Joker and Harley Quinn they were the son and daughter of hunters, Alexandra Winchester the oldest twin to her brother Sam and the little sister to her brother Dean and then there was Jack Murphy the only son of Jim, find out what happens over the time when they are left to there own devices...…

Little Tribrid...

Little Tribrid...

1,179 36 5

Anna-Beth and Niklaus have everything that they could want, they have there family with them, all sides as Damon came back to his sister, Anna-Beth also was able to keep her parents happy with them finally happy to see her brother being nice to her and not to mention that the originals are finally happy as well.Henrik, Freya and Matthew are all like their mother but there is something in the darkness that is itching to get out and it seems to be after our dear Matthew, will his family be able to help him or is this family destined to lose there eldest child...…

Finding Love is a different Place

Finding Love is a different Place

612 7 31

Pandora Cassandra Lillian Potter is the older twin sister of Harry and well she always believed that she would be the odd one out, she was put into Slytherin and then made friends with Draco becoming his best friend after the first year, but something bad happened and Pandora well in love with someone that she shouldn't have. will she find her love or will she have to get rid of her feelings. follow Pandora to find out if she gets to keep the love of her life and what she must do to keep that love...…

Lady Darkness (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Lady Darkness (Harry Potter Fanfic)

1,191 15 13

Sapphire Potter is the older twin of Harry Potter but doesn't have the best home life, she is abused and beaten because her parents believe that she is a mistake and doesn't have magic due to Harry being the one that defeated the Dark-Lord. Being sorted into Slytherin and being friends with Draco Malfoy was the best thing to happen to her because with the help of the Malfoy family she is able to get out of her horrible life and get to better.…

The Dark Potter...

The Dark Potter...

12,730 240 50

My name is Annabella Mackenzie Rosalyn Lilith Potter and this is my story of how I became the most feared person in the muggle and magical world.In the world of magic i am a outlaw as i am a vampire but not only am i a vampire i am a tribrid (Vampire, Witch and Werewolf) and the only one to exist, but as the years went on i realized that i missed my little brother and needed to get the lies that he had been told out of his head and make sure that he was happy.Follow my journey to see how i become this person...…

Octavia Michelson (Second book to Life of a vampire hunter)

Octavia Michelson (Second book to Life of a vampire hunter)

243 9 4

This is the follow on for...the life of a vampire hunter...Octavia Michelson is the youngest daughter of Alexandra Michelson and Dean Winchester, follow the story of the life of the originals with some new family...…

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle Twins

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle Twins

901 7 32

Harleen potter was the only person in the world to be able to live when he who must not be named attacked her home and known as the girl who lived as she attended Hogwarts, follow Harleen's story as she figures out that she is not who she thought she was...…

Baby Mikealson... (book 2)

Baby Mikealson... (book 2)

53,542 1,313 52

Anna Beth found her real parents, found out she has another name and another set of brothers and got her son back with her husband... will she be able to keep everything in her life balanced. Is this happy ever after or will her past really come to bite her on the ass.......Find out what is happening to her in this part of the story.…

Baby Salvatore (Klaus Love Story)

Baby Salvatore (Klaus Love Story)

463,590 9,359 53

Follow the story of the lost Salvatore as she comes home finding her brothers and realising that a big happy family isn't always the best thing for everyone. Especially when there is a doppelgänger falling in love with both brothers. Is fate going to happen all over again or will Annabeth be able to stop the past from repeating with the help of her new family....…

A missing link...
Baby Winchesters

Baby Winchesters

7,676 168 36

What happens when you get a father who wants to amend and children who are willing to try...…

In the beginning...

In the beginning...

1,414 31 4

The story of how Dean fell in love with his younger sister Alexandra...John was never really around and Alexandra was the older twin sister of Samuel. Alexandra started off a daddy girl, brown curly hair and bright green eyes and she was always in her brothers hand me downs all the time. What happens when Alexandra decides that she's more like her brother and Dean can't help but fall head over heels in love for his baby sister...Read to find out how the Winchester boys deal with a female Winchester with a attitude problem.…

Little Ally Winchester

Little Ally Winchester

23,022 318 34

When a curse goes wrong and leaves a Winchester as a toddler in all senses of the word, what happens to the rest of the family... (In this story John is around and he isn't such a asshole)…

The Life of a Vampire hunter...

The Life of a Vampire hunter...

4,667 83 50

Read as you learn about the Life of a hunter, all the ups and downs and all the trouble that comes along with knowing a Winchester... There will also be a few shock appearances in this as well... Please Read, Vote and Comment…

A missing link...

A missing link...

25,832 582 43

Alexandra Mary Winchester is the younger sister of Dean and the older twin sister of Sam. Read her story about her love and loss and what it really means to be a Winchester, in the world of monsters.…