

31 0 3

Hatiku gembira dan waktu kecilku tak pernah gembira seperti ini. Segembira ini saat waktu suka dalam kesenangan sendiri. Diriku tertawa-tawa terus dalam jalan yang ku lalui. Tertawa terus seakan tak ada yang bisa melawan tawaku. Tawa terus sampai tak dapat memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar dari teman sampai keluarga. Dari itu teman juga keluarga lainan mulai kacau saat ketawaku lepas. Aku boleh ketawa semaumu tapi hacurnya akan tiba lalu lama menghilangkan tawaku. Semenjak tawaku lepas malah tak tau diri. Tak tau diri itu mulai tak masuk akal hingga tanganku diranting pada kursian diri karena cobaan temu teman yang jahat itu. Saat itu jahat tapi tibakan baik pula. Lalu ada yang jahat darian suka melihat orang susah karena orang tawanya lepas dipikir jahat. Laluanya tawa itu buat buatku rasaan ini berarti akan tetapi tawa itu juga membawa bencana. Isyarat tikam pun terjadi dan hidupan dimulai dari dua sahabat yang baik suka senyum tawaan namun terlebih senyuman terlalu ingin menjadi cintanya lalu setelah bercinta dengan pria itu sedap senyap sehingga tak ada tawa. Priaan ini mau menguatkan dirinya dalam hidupan ini juga ingin tersadarkan bahwa tawa terlalu membawa malepataka walau tak terlalu besar. Semua terasadari dengan bahagiaan namun suatu ketika diriku tak memenuhi keinginan kakaku sehingga kakaku membunuh pacarku karena kebaikan pacarku tak ada hasilnya kan lagi-lagi lama juga tak mempan karena kakaku tak bisa mencegah tawanya itu. Memang terasa gila namun tawaku tak bisa sesenyum belaka. Diriku telah ketularan tawa lebih karena ya aku suka hal tawa semacam itu. Tawa terus hingga kematian kakakku karena aku. Lalu aku ingin bunuh dengan tawa darianku juga yaitu bunuh serangan kakaku. Tibakan tawa itu menimbulkan rasaku ini. Tawaku tak baik tapi baik juga kerena membuat nyaman lalu berdampak pada yang lainnya juga. Cari kebahagian baik juga akan tetapi belum tau besoknya ia yang lain itu mati di tanganku karena tawaku. Tawa ini konyol tapi bisa tujuan arah, hebat…

Aeosety And Aeasety 02

Aeosety And Aeasety 02

49 0 12

The life is noting always same serteaid too. Lot Love is again to loving the other else. Loving to come back but come to diffrent sesion love. Hope is come back too. I like to life but haert is sick and come back to new love to other person. Search again to again but not click. Sleindreid tick, already reach long time but love is not coming and mrecteid love is one to Aeasty. Can do it, latting slow change fast love to Aeosety and Aeasety ?. The Braendraid skip love eih, tea uh come love need time to Aeosety and Aeasety again. Oh no, skip but relative event to meet again of to Aeosety meet Aeasety. Yeah, tsreak is helping other job dish because weak life Aeasety to deep is more weak because Sreastey recurch low mneak is by doing freind. Stenship same to Aeosety is serch grilfreind but opisional lreaik isn't luck. Sreastey be new person and Soustey be cool tipe but cooling idea is feal because Soustey grow life is betch people and no clear life. But sreip to seipt feal to Sreastey and Soustey aint behind rule is freind but no agin freind because next sretein tertein is life no freind. Ouh no, sed incident. Life to Sreastey and Soustey is not together life because hamsiuan life is good but hope not same telreteid grilfreind no say seluar traed kuerk is phsiycal Soustey. Soustey is bed freind because steal grilfreind's Aeosety. Skip love the sregneid is recuaric of to Soustey and Sreastey but what kaind to love freind else obsus treack of to Aeosety and Aeasety ?. Hoping is love together and smoustein sesmuet is together as a come back to strage love. Can doing come back of to Aeosety and Aeasety ?. Honestly, a new huaman. This huaman is freind's Aeosety. This Huaman is distrub of to Aeasety also Aeosety. A huaman is Tleteiy. Oh, I don't know and seeing srecurted occur cmuch to sleasip story. (Next story).…

Aeosety And Aeasety 01

Aeosety And Aeasety 01

108 0 7

Aeosety diffrent physical than Aeasety. Aeosety is weak personeality but Aeasety is cool personeality. Aeosety and Aeasety is walk home else. Aeosety is luck man and Aeasety is filed man. The begining story is freak looking meet is Aeosety and Aeasety. The sleart teard is bed news to friend Aeasety. Friend Aeseaty is help so the helping job paper the purpose these a copy paper thinking it. Aah, Aeasety snearly to friend yeah. The friend is Sreasty. Aeaseaty and Sreasty is waiting for there farly is Aeosety. Until wait end, Aeosety is come to two her. Then, Aeosety srecent help to other aint person helping copy to paper reist job. Final to stent help and stealy threat to meet again. To again is notting wory and situasion is luck time. The luck time is to posision is Asoety and Aseaty is bed mudd. The screet life is worst to conection act. Again and again. The lacting else time, Aeosety and Aeasety meet the situasion bed is gril aint Aeasety reid pull slret the jungle steind the bed freind to the trip a Mountion hill. The seeik it, to together Aeosety and Aeasety the hill climb sterup high need the carefull time. The carefull time, event moment is falling but not fall is last time because Aeosety is help me; Aeasety. The loving rectreid is high of to Aeosety and Aeasety because the lasit kick the fall mount to help and close a time is helping ussualy. Love is strong but then know bed feel because the situasion money is diffrent. Aeosety is high act touch the activity and toch phiysic to Aeasety smreulreud a good range the relionship. No, no. I bed tled already is good person becuse Aeaseaty to meed new person. New person is Soasety. Tled Soasety is Saesety a screet life cread. Until last, broken time to relionship meet screet life lead is good hezert round and end is bed hezert round. Perfectealy is sremeth mlreik kreik. But finaly is gone time, good sneilmeid is new person is freak too. New person scerach is action moment last time is good aint together else mein…

Life Direction (Complete Idea)

Life Direction (Complete Idea)

28 0 5

'Set Story 'Start until Finealy Life -----------+Various Life*____!!!?!!!____…

Curian Asah 01

Curian Asah 01

2 0 6

< Bedaan balas si baik >Waktu telah gelap. gelap berdinding tebal. gelapnya telah mengusik diri. Kian berubah semua. Dari yang di atas menjadi ke bawah atau sebaliknya. Curiannya si jahat telah berhasil akan tetapi yang baik itu bisakah berhasil dengan curian itu, aku pun tak tau. Curiannya sangat kuat dari si jahat namun si baik punya kenangan tentang si jahat lalu dapatkah si jahat keluar dari kenangan itu. saksikanlah ceritanya dan taunya akan ada saatnya di akhir cerita. Waktu dibalas Waktu serta perumitan pada lainan itu akan dibalas darian cara lainan pula tapi dibalas dengan cara yang baik. sanggup melawan lalu sanggup pula aku dibuat kesal dengan si baik itu. jahat tunduklah dan saat ini kamu yang kalah kata si baik. Tidak akan kata si jahat. Laluannya bisa termainkan lagi. Terakhir, apa bisa pemenangnya ada di orang baik, aku pun tak tau. Lihatlah saja.…

Curian Asah 02

Curian Asah 02

12 0 6

Aku tidak bisa terlepas darian ini. Aku seperti di penjara namun hidupku bisa lepas. Tapi lepasnya saja tak bisa lebih dari itu. Ya hannyaan saja lah. Aku tetap disekap dan sekepannya sebatas laluannya tembok dan tembok. Laluannya begitu tapi laluannya bisa saja terbantu karena akhirnya terbantu juga dari teman lama ayahku nah dia mempunyai anak lalu sudah seumur seperti diriku. Aku dibantu dengan segala cara lalu akhirnya aku terlepas juga dan sebelumnya aku sudah dimanfaatkan dulu. Saat dimanfatkan itu, aku membuatnya kesal dari pemanfaatan itu supaya sia-sia begitu dan laluannya telah gagal dan gagal lagi darian orang kaya karena orang miskin punya laluan caranya sendiri untuk melawan orang kaya. Iya akhirannya begitu.…

Telteiy 03

Telteiy 03

5 0 9

The love is end. I want to misteke gone is go to refreshing heart. The refreshing sescion little diffrent because I visited to home's cousin. The home's cousin in far village. Far Village is SEULUET ESTRELRET SEUSRET or SES vintage 1,2,3,4, and 5. The home's cousin is SES vintage 3 and come to freinds is SES vintage 5. The begin breurut is usual love viererat but last breurut is more love. Smeusit cool love because simple take feel moment. moment feel both me and freind's cousin. Freind's cousin name is Fleaffiaet. Uuh, fainealy I found to love in near living sircle. The living sircle to found a village's cousin. Name cousin is Leaveaiaes. Eah uih, then also too.…

Sreasety And Soustey 01

Sreasety And Soustey 01

10 0 11

Beutiful face the Sreastey. High tipe. Good vasion. yeah, is goodBut, Usual face the Soustey. Undder tipe. Reather vasion. yeah, is middleEah, both this is diffrent. Hope reach is datting is neftting match net. No high and No down. Yeah, is restaeri reath.Britch Nectelier is not good to face consept. Frist time is not compect and but last compact. Loving steugh high and freak is Soustey is delairdued sperete because envy to Aeasety and Aeosety.Senectly, is stop to loving of to both. Mesterial is bed and not couple. Fate is same to incidentSuck Difficult nettred both influencer…

Tleteiy 02

Tleteiy 02

1 0 7

Nothing like again.liked is bad.I no want to like.'(No is liked and I usual alive like that. The strait is open mainded. Open to freindly of do it. Than enough day, I meet Aeosety. The begin is usual but middle axelaraciy is freind. okey, too long. This moment to be a long, lover's Aeosety move to Tleteiy. Along ago, Tleteiy love Aeasety. Spreat time by time by of to father's Aeosety is know to name her too. Father's Aeosety is know Aeasety. Very little time, come back to Aeosety by of to Aeasety. Yeah, is couple. Ouh no, I sick but releized to myself. I bake up to Aeosety. Aah, Steink Treink Mecketed Nefreseited. Stupid think. Broken Life to myself.…

Tleteiy 01

Tleteiy 01

7 0 10

Fesetaiy to loving secrch. Moment section to moving love and love. love is let go to bck off to have girlfreind. Ah, is difficult. Love just suck to selfthink. Indication love is bad. I once seftied to seitirt teznied to catch girl. One more time, push teneique to loving is to faenely of the one love catch. To doing love one person, arrive is feal again because sircle life is boring of to say new person. New person to behind kick. I lonely. okey, moment situasion is good because brave stayle is fantastic people reist is girl else loving pull to be frist like to me. Srectery, I not brave neacuse not type it. long lestting is good but in crezerurt to bad talk active. Wah, srectery is teremus to relenship but fainal the relionship is bed of grilfreind. Aeh ah, before the loving just usual adult. Inside seriuos tream at the after that setup is trensen meinsen of sreusitag is fail again. Serious will, no acident take it to do. To dish mind it because mlert mret too of finealy. Aah, is bad.…

Sreastey and Soustey 02

Sreastey and Soustey 02

13 0 10

In this moment is bad click. No sertein to hope inside love.Life in broke shooter too. In life no loving.okey okey. ' Love is disepear and love not place. Is okey but love come back to change is stay in. Ooh come back. feel love is agian but the fainealy is bull shait. The fainealy is beatch attrack. Bed attrack is nope. Nope Soustey too. Soustey to control love and playing trense girl or change move. ooh no sheit. Come back to phsyical Sreastey and Soustey, the physical is bed trick. The trick is playing another stay heart. Dine, dark dumb. Me stupid, Sreastey.…