Embracing Me

Embracing Me

2,344 212 29


Forever Mine

Forever Mine

753 90 3

After an accident that had taken the lives of her parents and left her in a coma. Sara had woken up three months later. Having no recollection of what had happened she was under the assumption that her parents had abandoned her. Since coming out of the coma she had been living with her grandparents. Who with advice from doctors had kept the accident and death of her parents from her. Six months on she was having nighmares and getting flashbacks.Once a spoilt little girl with everything at her fingertips and now she was living with grandparents she had never met before. At first she had found it difficult but Mary and Pedro were the most kindest and loving people and in no time she had become accustomed to their life style. Everything was going well, she was now settled with her grandparents, made a new best friend...but her calm and easy going life was about to get rocky as the youngest son of the family her grandparents worked for was returning home after three years. To make matters worse their first meeting hadn't been on a such a good note.So with an attraction both were trying to fight...would love win out in the end.…

The Essence Of Love.   Can/Sanem

The Essence Of Love. Can/Sanem

335,983 20,501 58

Book 3 (Completed)After her heartbreak Sanem moved away from Istanbul taking a big secret with her. She built a new life for herself....for once everything florished her career as a professional writer her perfume and cream bussiness. While all this was going on she became a mother which was her greatest achievement. Adjusting to life as a mother with support of family and friends. Everything was going well...she had a perfect life. Although she would never admit it she still harboured feelings and felt incomplete without the the one person who she never wanted to see.Can found betrayal everywhere...Having found out the lengths his own mother had gone to to get Sanem out of his life. But fate had plans for the two lost lovers...and crossed their paths again. After Can had come to work on a campaign at Sanem the two met again. Can found out about the secret Sanem had been keeping. Could their lives be complete without each other...could they rebuild their lives forgive and forget build trust and be complete as a family.…

A Essência do Amor

A Essência do Amor

29,593 2,526 53

Livro 3 (Concluído) Após seu desgosto, Sanem se mudou de Istambul levando um grande segredo com ela. Ela construiu uma nova vida para si mesma ... pela primeira vez, tudo floresceu em sua carreira como escritora profissional, seu negócio de perfumes e cremes. Enquanto tudo isso acontecia, ela se tornou mãe, o que foi sua maior conquista. Adaptando-se à vida de mãe com apoio da família e amigos. Tudo estava indo bem ... ela tinha uma vida perfeita. Embora ela nunca fosse admitir, ela ainda nutria sentimentos e se sentia incompleta sem a única pessoa que ela nunca quis ver. Pode encontrar traição em todos os lugares ... Tendo descoberto até onde sua própria mãe tinha feito para tirar Sanem de sua vida. Mas o destino tinha planos para os dois amantes perdidos ... e cruzaram seus caminhos novamente. Depois que Can veio trabalhar em uma campanha em Sanem, os dois se encontraram novamente. Pode descobrir sobre o segredo que Sanem estava guardando. Suas vidas poderiam ser completas um sem o outro ... eles poderiam reconstruir suas vidas, perdoar e esquecer, construir confiança e ser completos como uma família.…

Heartbreak Can / Sanem

Heartbreak Can / Sanem

38,671 2,704 38

Livro 1 (Concluído)Pode acabar com Sanem depois de descobrir que ela deu a Fabri o perfume e também seu envolvimento com sua licença sendo revogada. Desolada, ela decide sair de Istambul. Será que seu orgulho teimoso lhe perderá o amor de sua vida ou perceberá seu erro antes que tudo esteja perdido?…

Encontrando Nosso Caminho De Volta Para Casa

Encontrando Nosso Caminho De Volta Para Casa

60,762 4,492 58

Livro 2 (Concluído)Continuação de 'Heartbreak' ..... Depois de deixar Istambul. A vida de Sanem sofre uma mudança dramática ... o sucesso vem em seus escritos e nos negócios de perfumes e cremes. No entanto, ainda há um vazio em sua vida ... Can's teve ele partes de subidas e descidas e ainda não acabou. Com desentendimentos que levam a segredos entre eles ... eles se perdem. Dizem que o lar é onde está o coração ... o lar de Can e Sanem está em um só lugar ... um com o outro. Eles podem superar as probabilidades e deixar o amor viver e encontrar o caminho de volta um para o outro.…

Finding Our Way Back Home Can/Sanem

Finding Our Way Back Home Can/Sanem

405,686 23,462 61

Book 2 (Completed)Continuation of 'Heartbreak'.....After leaving Istanbul. Sanem's life takes a dramatic change...success comes in her writing and her perfume and cream business. However there's still a void in her life....Can's had he's fare shares of up and downs and its not over yet. With misunderstangs that lead to secrets between them...they lose each other. They say home is where the heart is.... home for both Can and Sanem is in one place...that's with each other.Can they overcome the odds and let their love live and find their way back to each other.…

Heartbreak Can/Sanem

Heartbreak Can/Sanem

233,075 11,521 36

Book 1 (Completed)Can break's up with Sanem after finding out she gave Fabri the perfume and also her involvement his licence being revoked. Heartbroken she decides to leave Istanbul. Will his stubborn pride lose him the love of his life or will he realise his mistake before all is lost.…