chapter 3

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Keith Sadies scans the trainees, before noticing a short blond boy, known as Armin.

Keith: Hey you!

Armin: *solutes* Yes sir!

Keith: What's your name?

Armin: *shouting*Armin Arlert from Shiganshina District, sir!

Keith: Oh yeah? Sounds like a name for a fool! Who picked it? Your parents?

Armin: *still shouting* My grandfather named me, sir!

Keith: Arlert, what're you doing here?

Armin:*still shouting* To help humanity win, sir!

Keith: Well, good for you! You'll make great fodder for the titans! *grabs armins head* Row three! Turn around!

Keith turns Armin around, before going to the next Cadet. Another blonde guy, with short hair, and some short sideburns.

Keith: What is your name?

Thomas: Yes, sir. I'm Thomas Wagner from Trost District!

Keith: Speak up!

Two higher ups are seen walking past the lines of cadets and commandant.

???: He's at it again. You went through that, didn't you?

???2: Brings back memories.

Keith is now seen yelling at a shorter girl with long straight back hair, and no bangs.

Keith: -No, you're from the pig pen! And you're lower than livestock!

Girl: Yes, sir! I'm lower than livestock!

Keith: No! You're a dung beetle!

???2: What's the point in intimidating them?

???: It's a rite of passage. He peels away every insecurity you have, then builds you up from scratch into a soldier. It's a necessary step.

The second man notices that Keith skips over, a few, familiar faces.

???2: Oh. He didn't pick on some of them.

???: They have already gone through this rite of passage. They saw hell two years ago. They have a different look. Come on, let's go.

Keith locks eyes with Y/n for a second, before moving on to the next person. Y/n watches as Keith continues to yell at recruits, this recent one, being Jean Kristen.

Jean: I'm Jean Kristen from Trost District!

Keith: What're you doing here?

Jean: I want to join the military police and live in the interior.

Y/n rolls his eyes after hearing what the horse-face said.

Keith: That so? You want to go to the interior?

Jean: Yes-

Suddenly commandant Keith headbutts Jean, causing him to crouch and hold his forehead in pain.

Keith: Who said you can sit?! If you can't suck it up here, how do you expect to make it in the Military Police?!

The commandant began to walk away snarling? Y/n then began to zone out a bit as the commandant began to yell and another cadet named Marco. After a few minutes Keith walked up to another cadet named Connie Springer, and picked him up by his head with ease before dropping him on the ground, all because he did the salute backwards. Suddenly, a loud crunch is heard, as everyone looks to see a brown haired girl is seen eating a potato like there's nothing happening.

Keith: Hey, you. What are you doing?

The girl didn't seem to notice him, as she took another bite.

Keith: You! I'm talking to you! Who the hell are you?!

Sasha: *swallows the piece of potato and salutes* I'm Sasha Braus from Dover Village on the south side or Wall Rose!

Keith: Well, Sasha Braus. Whatcha got in your right hand?

Sasha: A steamed Potato! They had some in the kitchen and couldn't resist!

Keith: You snatched it? Why'd you start eating it here?

Sasha: *completely serious* It doesn't taste good cold. I figured i should eat it now.

Keith: Y'know, I just don't get it. Why'd you eat a potato?

Sasha: *clearly confused* Are you asking, "why does man eat potatoes"?

Everyone continues to stare in shock from what this girl is saying.

Y/n: *thoughts* Oh my god, she's an idiot.

Sasha then breaks the potato.

Sasha: Please have half of mine.

Y/n: *Thoughts* That's not even half! That's like, one third!

Keith: *grabs the piece* Half?

Sasha then gives an odd smile.


Later Sasha is seen running around the camp.

Connie: Hey, Spuds still has to keep running.

Marco: It's amazing. She's been running for five hours straight.

Y/n: Why don't I feel surprised when he said she can't have meals. She was more devastated about that, rather than having to run around and do laps?

Connie: Dover is deep in the mountains... a sparsely populated village of hunters right?

Eren then notices a carriage filled with people leaving the camp. Eren pokes Y/n's shoulder catching his attention.

Y/n: What's that?

Mina, the black haired girl during introduction, speaks up.

Mina: They dropped out and asked to go to the reclaimed wasteland.

Armin: But... It's only the first day?

Eren: What choice do they have? If you're weak, you gotta go. Back to hauling weeds and rocks...

Everyone looks at Eren, Y/n sighs at his best friend's words.

Y/n: Well, in a way you're right... but it's better they go home and continue to try to provide humanity with food, rather than getting eaten by titans.

Marco then gets off the railing and stands up straight.

Marco: Say, he didn't ask where you guys are from.

Y/n: Like Armin, Eren and I are from Shiganshina District.

Marco: Is that so? Wow...

Connie: Then you guys were there... on that day.

Marco: H-Hey!

Connie: Then you've seen the colossus titan?!

Eren: Y-Yeah...

Y/n: I mean I guess?


Y/n and Eren are seen in the cafeteria trying to eat some stew while everyone was asking them questions about that day.

Eren: Like I said, I've seen it.

Thomas: You're serious?

???: How big were they?

Eren: Talk enough to look over the wall.

???: Huh?! I heard they climbed over the wall!

???2: Me too!

???3: They said so in my village too!

Y/n: They obviously weren't that big.

Mina: What did they look like?

Eren: They didn't have much skin and their mouths were huge.

Eren takes another sip from his stew, while Y/n begins to feel uncomfortable with the amount of people standing by them.

???: What about the "Armored Titans" who destroyed Wall Maria?

Y/n: I didn't see them. I was unconscious at the time... luckily some kids saved me and took me with them while I was out. I forgot their names... I only got to talk to them after I woke up. Then, I practically never saw them again.

A familiar blonde haired man was seen drinking his cup of water on another table, as his attention was caught by Y/n's words.

Eren: I guess I saw them then. People called them that... but they seemed like ordinary titans to me.

???2: Then can you describe ordinary titans?

Eren was about to take another sip before he freezes and drops the spoon. He instantly covers his mouth afraid he would throw up. Y/n didn't look so good either, as he remembered running past those people getting eaten by titans... and the one that tried to eat him and his mom... well... unfortunately it got one of them.

Y/n, however calms himself down.

Y/n: Alright... I think he answers enough. Now-

Eren: No. It's fine, *takes bite out of the bread* Titans aren't a big deal. Once we get used to the 3D Maneuvering Device, they'll mean nothing! I'm training to be a spider at last... I just got choked up earlier. I'm gonna join the Scout Regiment, and get rid of titans from this world! I'll slaughter them!

Y/n sighs at his friend's words, but couldn't help but smile slightly for his friend.

Jean: Hey, are you crazy?

On the table next to theirs Jean is seen sitting there, as he was apparently listening to the entire conversation.

Jean: Did you just say Scout Regiment.

Eren: Yeah, so? You're gonna join the Military Police and take it easy, right?

Jean: Hey, I'm an honest guy. I figure that's more refreshing than faking bravery when you're scared shirtless.

Eren then stands up and stares Jean down.

Eren: You referring to me?

Thomas: Guys cut it out.

Jean: *chuckles* Hey, I didn't mean...

Jean then stands up and slightly towers over Eren. The two look like they're about ready to throw down, when suddenly a bell is then heard ringing.

Jean: *sighs* My bad. I wasn't criticizing you or anything. *offers his hand* let's shake on it.

Y/n is suddenly seen walking up to them, as he stops in between them.

Y/n: Come on Eren. There's no need to have a fight right now. Let's go.

Eren: ... Yeah, *to Jean* I was in the wrong too. *slaps his hand out of the way, and turns to Y/n* Alright, lead the way Y/n.

Y/n: *as they walk away* You're first day and you're already getting on people's bad side. You're an idiot, you know that?

Eren: What, he was criticizing our dream! You can't tell me you were the least bit mad!

Y/n: *sighs* of course but that's not the point!

Jean gives a smug smile as they are about to leave, when suddenly Mikasa walks past him, and time slows for him. He was so enchanted by her, he just had to talk to her.

Jean: S-Say

Mikasa turns to him

Jean: *blushes* Oh... you don't look familiar, so I... S-Sorry you have really pretty black hair.

Mikasa: Thanks.

Mikasa then walks out of the cabin to catch up with Y/n and Eren. Jean remains still for a few seconds, before ultimately running out to try to catch up to her.

While outside. Mikasa is seen walking with Y/n and Eren, as Y/n continues to lecture Eren.

Eren: Come on leave me alone!

Mikasa: You're always such a hothead.

Y/n: See even Mikasa agrees.

Eren: *sighs* Not another lecture. Y/n can you at least lecture her on her hair?

Y/n: hm? Oh, yeah thanks for reminding me. Mikasa, as much as I love that hair on you, you need to shorten it a bit. Long hair is dangerous, especially with titans, and maybe using the 3D Maneuvering gear.

Mikasa: *grabs a bit if her hair and rubs it* Fine, I'll cut it. But how long?

Y/n: *gets in front of her and looks at her hair* Um... how about down to your chin? I think that length would be good enough.

In the distance, Jean looks at them clearly disappointed. As the three continued walking, before stopping.

Y/n: Wait... hey guys go on ahead without me! I gotta get something from the cafeteria real quick!

Eren: Ah alright, see you at the bunks Y/n!

Mikasa: I'll go with yo-

Y/n: No need, plus you need your rest for tomorrow!

Y/n began to run back to the cafeteria while Mikasa looked a bit down, before walking back to her cabin.


Over with Sasha, she's seen finally collapsing in front of a cabin.

Sasha: It's finally... over.

She then passed out and began to sleep on the rough ground, before footsteps were heard approaching. Suddenly her nose gets a whiff of food, and her primal instincts kick in as her eyes open wide, and she jumps over a figure carrying a basket, as Sasha now had a loaf of bread in her mouth. Sasha began to gobble down on her bread, as the person then spoke up.

Y/n: Damn you really are a glutton huh?

Y/n places the basket down as Sasha turns to him.

Y/n: I only really ate some of the stew, but u saved everything else for you. We're going to be comrades now, right? I can't have you die from starvation or dehydration, speaking of which, make sure to return the water pouch when you're done with it, okay? I only got the one.

Sasha stops eating for a second and runs up to Y/n and grabs his shoulders.

Sasha: Are you God?! You are my savior for now on! I will forever be in your debt!

Y/n: *nervously chuckles* No need for all that, and no problem at all.

Sasha: God!

???: Hey.

Y/n looks behind him to see two girls approaching. One was a tall brunette and a bit darker then the others, and the second one was a much shorter blonde girl with blue eyes.

Y/n: Hey? Who are you two? I don't remember the commandant asking for your names.

Ymir: I'm Ymir, and the girl next to me is Krista.

Krista: Hello, that was really nice of you to bring her food.

Y/n: Thanks, im Y/n. And no need to really thank me, she needed it, she's been running since morning.

Sasha finishes her food, and then passes out on Y/n's feet, earning a sigh from him.

Ymir: ...Did you do it just for potato girl? And did you get what you want in return?

Ymir stares at Y/n with a blank face, who simply seemed unfazed by it. All while Krista nervously looks back and forth between the two.

Y/n: I don't want anything in return. She needs energy for what we're practicing tomorrow, we all do.

Ymir: *sighs* Alright, forget i asked anything. Let's just take her to her bunk then.

Y/n picks up Sasha and passes her to Ymir.

Y/n: I appreciate it, would be awkward to explain to the girls why I'm carrying a passed out girl.

Krista: *to Ymir* You're going to be nice too?

Ymir: By doing this for her, she's going to owe me... I have high hopes for her stupidity. And you'll owe me too man.

Y/n: *shrugs* As long as it isn't something out of the question.

Ymir: *smiles as she walks away* I'll hold you to it!

Krista: *bows to Y/n, and picked up the basket for Sasha* Bye Y/n! I hope to talk to you again soon!

Y/n waves goodnight to them as they head to their bunks. After a few seconds, Y/n scratches his chin before heading back to his bunk.


The next morning, everyone was in line as Keith stood next to an odm gear simulator, to simulate the suspension in the air everyone will have to learn to deal with.

Keith: First, I'm gonna see just what you have in you! If you can't do this, you're not even worth using even as a decoy! And you'll be sent to the reclaimed wasteland!

Multiple cadets are seen trying to balance themselves, while some have appeared to fall, and already fail the test. The two higher ups are seen walking past the cadets again.

???: They've just begun to take baby steps. But you could tell at a glance which ones have a knack for 3D Maneuvers. See?

The two see Mikasa just effortlessly hanging there in her 3D Maneuver gear, all while Y/n is seen next to her struggling a bit, but after a few seconds he sorts himself out easily, allowing him to pass.

???: Not a sign of hesitation. She knows instinctively what to do. That's what it means to have talent. This year's crop looks very promising.

He looks over at the other cadets such as Sasha, who is waiting for her test to be done already, while Jean is shaking a bit in his belt. The second higher up noticed Y/n who had finished, and is now talking to Mikasa, who was paying complete attention to his rambles.

???2: Hey does that boy look familiar to you?

???: He should, that's F/n's kid. His father was one of the greatest men we've ever had, and surprisingly his own mother taught him self defense when he was young too. Guess it would be obvious to see him here.

The second man points at another kid, a few cadets away.

???2: And him?

???: He's a true genius, he has the spirit, but he's a genius at failing some things everyone could do.

Keith kneels down to Eren, and begins to yell.

Keith: What the hell are you doing, Eren Yeager, pull yourself up!

Eren is wide eyed, as he is currently filled with fear of having to go home. Even Y/n looked embarrassed for Eren as he awkwardly looked away from the scene.


Later, at a little bit before sunset, Eren, Y/n, Mikasa and Armin are all seen standing by one of the 3D Maneuvers simulators. While Eren is latched in, the others try to help him figure out what to do.

Mikasa: Just stick to the basics and you can do it. Don't think about doing well. Just focus on your balance. Shift your weight slowly to your hip belt and ankle strap.

Armin: Just stay calm. Even I could do it.

Eren: A-Alright, I think I could do it.

Y/n: Er-

Eren: Y/n no! Why are you still here? I don't need your help!

Y/n: ... You fell face first three minutes ago. You may not want to rely on me all the time, cause I don't want that either. But I could literally just tell you the problem*looks at Eren's belt* right now.

Eren: I can do this without your help! You don't need to babysit me all the time!

Mikasa: Eren. Don't be mean.

Y/n: *sighs* Fine, whatever, I'll just watch.

They began to raise Eren up,and not even a minute in, he loses balance and slams face first unto the ground. As Armin and Mikasa help Eren up, Y/n tries his best to hold in his laughter, but when a single snort comes out...


Y/n: *arm on the table, and chin on his right palm* I laughed straight in his face, and he told me he didn't want me to sit by him tonight.

Ymir let out a loud laugh while Krista rubbed his shoulder.

Ymir: So did you know why he can't pass? What is he screwing up that even the great Mikasa can't even see?

Y/n: ... *leans closer to her and whispers* His belt is broken. It's everyone's first time using these so I can't blame them for not noticing.

Krista: When are you going to tell him?

Y/n: when he finally accepts that I'm here for him too. He may not like it, but I have to keep my promise.

Ymir: Ha? What promise?

Krista: Ymir! It's none of our business!

Y/n: It's fine Krista. I promised my mother I'd protect my friends, and everyone I care about, no matter what.

Ymir looked confused by what he meant.

Ymir: You can't protect everyone you know. Once we graduate, some of us are bound to get eaten by titans.

Y/n: I know... but as long as I'm there... I won't let anyone die under my watch.

Krista looked inspired by his promise, while Ymir looked at him, clearly impressed.

Ymir: Well, you're definitely serious about it. Well,*smirks* you're either a badass or an idiot.

Y/n shrugs and begins to chow down his food. As Y/n eats his food and continues to chat with the two girls, as his eyes drift to an odd group of three on the other side of the cafeteria.

Y/n: Hey... who are those three?

Ymir: *looks at the group* Hm? I don't know, I haven't heard a single one of them speak yet.

Krista: Um, why?

Y/n: I don't know, but I feel like I recognize them... it's probably not important.

The bell suddenly rings, signaling the end of lunch. Everyone began to put their trays away as Y/n noticed Armin and Eren had left Mikasa, who was eating her bread because Sasha asked for it. Y/n takes a sip from his pouch of water, before speaking up.

Y/n: So, you guys just gonna sit there or what?

Mikasa/Sasha: Y/n? / God?!

Y/n gives a light karate chop to Sasha's head.

Sasha: Hey!

Y/n: Just Y/n please. And why are you guys still here?

Mikasa: I just didn't notice everyone left.

Sasha: I was just waiting for her to finish talking so I could have her bread.

Y/n: Couldn't you just take it when she wasn't paying attention?

Sasha looked at him confused before she began to blush and scream.

Sasha:*blushing* Eh?! Why didn't I think of that?!

Y/n: *chuckles* By the walls you are an idiot.

Sasha: No I'm not!

Mikasa: Y/n. Are you still going to join the Survey Corps?

Y/n: Of course... Did you try to convince Eren to quit?

Mikasa: Yes.

Y/n: And you failed?

Mikasa: Yes.

Y/n: Well, you know him, he's a tough nut to crack. No matter what you say or do, he'll keep moving

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