46. Suzie

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We're still sitting in the car. Clearing my throat, I glance over to Cruz. "So..."

He pulls his key from the ignition and looks at me. "What's up?

"Once you and I go inside, should we try to keep our distance for a bit?"

"I suppose," Cruz agrees with some reluctance, "but it should be fine to hang out together if we're in a group. Right?"

"I think so?" I chew on my lower lip. "But..."


"What should we tell people if they start asking questions about us?"

"The truth," Cruz answers in matter-of-fact tones. "We'll tell them that my dad is marrying your aunt, so we hang out a lot now."

I gulp. "We're telling everyone... tonight?"

He grimaces. "Why not? They're gonna ask no matter what."

"You're right," I sigh. "Might as well get it over with, I guess."

I'm sick of listening to the stories our stupid classmates are making up about us, but a sixth sense tells me that letting the truth come out will only fuel more crazy rumors.

Anxiously, my fingers twirl through a strand of my hair in twitchy movements.

Cruz glances at Jonathon's front door. "Ready to head inside, baby?"

"Mm-hmm," I reply a little hesitantly, "let's go."

Once we're inside the house, the speakers are blasting music at full volume. The TV is on in the living room. There's an MMA fight on the screen. Several of Cruz's friends and teammates are lounging around a large L-shaped couch. Beer bottles and plastic red cups are scattered all over the coffee table.

They call him over right away. Jonathon shouts, "Yo, Recker! Get your fine ass over here!"

"Yeah," Aaron—I recognize him as Carly's boyfriend—chimes in, "we have a beer with your name on it!"

Cruz nods at them in acknowledgment and then turns back to me with a questioning look. He offers, "Come with me, I'll introduce you to everyone."

But I shake my head.

"No, it's okay," I say with a feigned smile. "I gotta keep some distance, remember? You go have fun with the boys."

I don't feel ready to deal with his teammates' judgy eyes and intrusive questions. Maybe later but not now.

Cruz frowns. "You sure?"

"Yep," I insist.

"I think you should co—"

I reassure him, "I'll come annoy you later."

"Promise?" he grumbles.

I nod. "Promise."

Then, I walk away before Cruz tries to change my mind again. Behind me, I hear him sigh as he heads over to join his buddies on the couch.

Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, I make my way through the house with no particular destination in mind. I start exploring, scanning the faces in the crowds to see if I know anyone else here. As I shuffle around, I spot Kiana and Keisha near one of the hallways.

The twins smirk and wave at me. I can't tell if they're being friendly or mocking me. I smile and wave back, regardless, and continue on my way.

A few seconds later, I wander into the kitchen. I swipe a water bottle from the countertop and make sure it's brand new and untampered with. Just to be safe, I'm not drinking anything but H2O from sealed bottles this evening.

Around me, guys and girls are gathered in small clusters, laughing and chatting and drinking the night away. It looks like they all know each other very well. I want to make an effort to fit in with Cruz's crowd, but it's painfully obvious that I'm the odd girl out here. My awkwardness and discomfort grow.

A wave of regret sinks in.

I feel like I should've stuck with Cruz instead of going off on my own. I don't stay in the kitchen much longer. With my water bottle in hand, I head towards a quieter, less congested part of the house. There's a small den with a fireplace next to the dining room. I enter the den. From the corner of my eye, I notice a petite girl with pale skin and jet-black hair sitting next to the fireplace by herself. She's scrolling through her phone, not talking to anyone.


Maybe we could be loners together?

I try to emit chill, friendly vibes as I approach the girl, coughing to make my presence known. "Hey."

She glances up from her phone with dark brown eyes. "Yes?"

I gesture to the empty spot beside her. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

She looks surprised by my question. "Go ahead, I guess. Don't let me stop you."

"I'm Athena, by the way," I tell her.

"I'm Suzie," she supplies.

"I don't really know anyone here," I admit.

Suzie shrugs. "Me, either."

It's my turn to be surprised. "Really?"

"I'm Jonathon's sister," Suzie explains. "All of these idiots are his friends. Not mine."

Amused, I repeat, "Idiots?"

She shrugs again. "I don't like people in general."

"I feel ya. People can be the worst," I mumble in agreement.

Her eyes narrow sharply as though she's sizing me up. "Most people, I've found, are assholes pretending to be—"

Interrupting Suzie in mid-sentence, Keisha's voice shouts across the room towards us, "Hey, Athena! Can you come here for a minute?"

"Sure, just give me a sec," I call back to her, feeling a bit uneasy.

What does Keisha want with me?

I give Suzie an apologetic look. "Sorry, I—"

"It's fine," she mutters. "Just go."

"I'll be right back, okay?"

Suzie rolls her eyes. "Whatever. I don't care."

Damn, I guess somebody's not in the mood to make new friends.

I stand up and leave Suzie to stew in her cloud of grumpiness. By the time I reach Keisha, she shoots a conspiratorial look in Suzie's direction before hissing at me, "Do you know who that bitch is?"

I toss her a funny look. "Uh, yeah. She told me her name was Suzie."

Keisha wrinkles her nose. "You should stay away from her, Athena."

I blink. "Why?"

Keisha scoffs, "Because."

I frown. "Sorry, not following. Why don't you like her again?"

"Because she's toxic and full of bullshit."

From what little I've seen, Suzie may not be made of rainbows and sunshine, maybe she is a little toxic and full of BS, but I hate shit-talking behind people's backs.

I know, firsthand, how horrible it feels to be judged and hated on by everyone. I glare at her. "Why are you telling me this?"

Keisha glares back. "You and I may not be friends, but I saw that you came here with Cruz tonight. Looks like you're gonna be part of our little soccer fam now, and us soccer bitches always look out for each other."

Alarm prickles through me. I don't know whether or not to trust Keisha's words.

Still frowning, I fire back, "I don't understand what you have against Suzie. Isn't she Jonathon's sister? Technically, she's part of 'our little soccer fam,' too."

"Last year, she made up a crap ton of lies about Brody Carlisle."


About Brody?

Alarm proceeds to surge some more. Suspicion surges as well. Tightly, I demand, "What did Suzie say about Brody?"

A grimace flattens Keisha's mouth as she leans closer. Instantly, her voice drops to low, ominous tones, and what she reveals makes my blood run cold. "Suzie claims that Brody raped her."

Unlike Keisha, I don't think Suzie is lying at all.

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