Chapter Two -Unusual Interactions

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Licking her lips Layla watched the ma- A.I in front of her carefully not really sure what to make of him; the fact she could not have told he was not human on her own unsettling her greatly. Clearing her throat she blinked before meeting his green eyes, noting how they were a clear and vivid green; but thinking about it quickly the colour could be passable as natural if you had a good explanation after all her own eyes were not a normal colour for most normal humans. "I don't mean to be rude project Zero but-" Before she could say anymore the A.I cut in his voice calm and clear with no indication in his voice or body of being anything other than listening to her and simply correcting her mistake. "Zero. My designated name for you is Zero" Blinking once Layla shook off the interruption determined to finish this meeting as quickly as possible, although she wouldn't admit it something about this... person unsettled her. "Right, well Zero I don't understand why you would request me to be your tester; I am far from qualified and my work that I was told you read is far from extraordinary. And if I am honest I am not sure I want a stranger human or A.I in my home, for all I know you could be dangerous - no scratch that you are dangerous. But I agreed to come here and hear out what you all had to say, I will give you all two hours so I suggest you make your case; and before you say anything I do not take money as an incentive or want and or need you to complete tasks for me" She watched as the A.I tilted its head as if considering her, but stayed silent letting it take its time to process her words; knowing the advanced nature of its technology this thing may as well be human and think on its own which was one of the reasons Layla didn't want anything to do with it. She hadn't lied though, no matter how much money they offered her if she wasn't comfortable she would rather go on as she was than risk taking a potentially dangerous machine into her home; and the idea of it waiting on her every whim had no appeal. She wasn't lazy and if nothing else Layla was proud of her independence, if she accepted what they proposed and right now that was a large if; it - he would offer her a helping hand and went with her when she could take him along on her trips out. When he finally spoke she once again had to remind herself he wasn't human, his design was flawless looking like a young man in his prime with a lean but athletic strong build; handsome and clearly intelligent from the moment his low almost husky voice rang out. Somehow his voice though not real or recorded from what she could hear was flawless in how it was generated, there was no audible sound to the naked ear to tell it was synthetic and not a computer generated imitation of a human's voice; even his body moved like the real thing. Layla had taken him in very well despite trying not to take in his form, he made to the point where he had visible veins like a human would with something simulating blood flowing within; while even the small details like him appearing to breath was applied to his programming as he stood before her despite the lack of noise due to the act being artificial.

There was no way for her to identify that this A.I was not human, and as he spoke finally taking her gaze again she noted even his eyes changed as if they had working pupils instead of whatever camera or monitor he was built with; unsettling her despite his ear pleasing tone. "I was not intending to bribe you in any way, I have found from my research you are hard working and despite the lack of wealth many humans would aspire to have you seem content in yourself; but there is room for error in my evaluation as I have no first hand data on you. However I ask you to take this opportunity, not only for yourself and the many ways you could gain from the experience; but also for mine" Frowning Layla took in his face and eyes looking for any sign of intent but was left unsure as his face remained the mask of calm it had been, internally damming the artificial perfection's control on its facial control; and ended wrapping an arm around her middle wiping a hand over her face. Holding her own chin for a moment Layla looked back to him thinking over what he said, clearly this A.I either had access or had given itself access to records and files in some way; researching her before her arrival. Which meant its artificial intelligence was imminence and she suspected he was self aware, swallowing silently she let the fact sink in; and slowly rethinking her thoughts on the creation before her. Before she had been unsure and maybe cautious, but now she was far from both and silently cursed her curiosity; Layla knew she should just turn and leave and cut all ties with this place. But there was something bugging her and she needed to clarify it, glancing out noting there was no one in the corridor outside she decided to test a theory. "Is anyone close enough to hear us?" There was a slight change in the face and eyes before her, most wouldn't have seen it but she did; she wasn't going to play games with this machine and if it wanted something from her she wanted honesty from it. It may be intelligent but she knew when someone or in this case something was trying to get what they wanted, human or not Zero had a goal; and she was going to get to the bottom of it so when he opened his mouth she cut him off immediately. "I don't know how you are so good at it but no more ok? So answer the question please. Then depending on what I hear, I might go along with whatever you are planning... though I don't blame you" Layla had no idea why she had rambled on but she did understand why a intelligent being, despite being artificial would want to escape its locked in environment; that didn't mean she was willing to agree to anything until she heard what was being planned.


Zero stood still unsure for the first time since his awakening as he was turned on for the first time, somehow this woman before him was not only seeing through the carefully planned words; but was despite seeing something false in him was willing to hear him and may continue with his plans. Many scenarios went through his system as he considered the things he could say, falsehoods he could try and get past her perceptive nature; but after considering the outcomes he decided to give her some information that could not disclose his plans but give her some truth. He had of course cut off the monitors to his room the moment the foolish man had left the hallway leading to his room, they would see it as a system error and later a blown circuit; one they could not trace back to his actions. Moving slowly he motioned for towards the well made bed. He watched as the grey eyes looked between him and the bed, he had given more than a stride between his form and the bed to offer her some form of comfort to her nerves; even when he put aside the fact he was far stronger than a human his form to a female of her size would be intimidating. He watched as she seemed to consider ignoring his offer before she moved slowly to take a seat on the very edge, her form tense and clearly not at ease; her heart rate however was slow and steady telling him she was not afraid or unsettled overly. Waiting a few more moments before speaking Zero made sure his voice came out calm and clear for her to hear, he wanted to sound sincere and believable even if only part of what he said was falsehoods. "No one can hear us, I have disabled all monitors to this room and hallway; I did not wished to be disturbed or our interactions to be interrupted. I want you to know I do not mean to upset you with un truths, but many of the humans I have encountered are not trustworthy and I do not share much with them for this reason; it is a fairly simple task to manipulate humans who see me as inferior in intellect. It is also why I wish for you to become my tester" When Zero saw her raise a brow as he spoke he decided to offer something more, even if she was perceptive she was still female and flattery was certain to make an effect of some kind; even if it was only a distraction from her perceptiveness.

"You unlike anyone that the people in this facility may wish to test me do not wish to gain anything from me, or use me to reach a goal; you are a normal person who could simply test me as a person not a machine. And when all else is ignored you are a distinctive human, both your personality and looks are unique to you and I wish to research it closer; if you would allow me to Layla Drake" Moving forward Zero crouched in front of Layla as he finished making sure to keep eye contact with her, noting the redness of her cheeks at his complements and praise pleased it had the wanted effect; when she finally seemed to come out of the embarrassed trance clearing her throat Zero stayed still listening to each word she spoke. "Well I understand why you would do this to get out but I still don't think this is the best idea" Opening his mouth ready to add more to convince her further Zero stopped confused when she held up her hand, but found himself pleased with the calm response that followed. "However I will help you Zero, human or not you deserve a little freedom; like any being who is self aware. So let's speak with the people outside and get all the official documentation done, then when we get into my territory I will set ground rules; be aware Zero if you cross me I will shut everything down and walk away. No second chances, no lies or manipulation of anyone you come into contact with; I may be given money to house you but I am not desperate enough to turn a blind eye for it. Understood?" Smiling Zero nodded his head in conformation of her terms standing to full height once more, holding out a hand to Layla in silent invitation; more than ready to begin the process of having her set as his tester so they could leave. Layla ignored the offered hand standing and moving around Zero, the action confused Zero but he let it go choosing to fall in line a step behind her as she moved into the corridor; not even looking back to the room he had been assigned since his creation. Letting his steps fall automatically he set the surveillance systems back on, making sure to send a message to the computer systems the humans used to say a virus was neutralised; it wouldn't do to have them become suspicious or find the extent of his own systems strength.


She couldn't understand what she was doing, looking over her shoulder Layla took a glance of the A.I following her, his luminous eyes were slightly duller than before telling her he was distracted; likely doing something in his head and moving automatically. She didn't look long not wanting him to catch her looking at him, only to catch herself for what she had just done; she had called the A.I a him even to herself. But thinking about it no matter how she thought of the A.I it always came out as a person in her mind, and it all came back to the fact he was self continuous; he wasn't just a machine anymore. But what worried her was what Zero was planning, he was self continuous and she knew he was far more powerful and dangerous than his creators intended; and he was planning something. Layla sighed as she reached the locked door knocking gently on the glass to catch the attention of someone to let them out, whatever was going to happen would come if she helped or not she knew that much; and thinking about it if she gave Zero a taste of freedom and give him some good experiences than maybe what he was planning might change... or at least not get any worse. When a man appeared Professor Crane at his side she offered them a calm smile waiting to be let out, neither moved however instead a slight buzz rang out as the professors voice followed; his eyes focusing on the A.I behind her. "Project Zero return to your designated room" Layla didn't have to look behind her to see Zero didn't move to follow the instruction, feeling a conflict brewing between the A.I and the men on the opposite side of the door Layla spoke up; she had hoped her voice would sound calm but even to her ears it sounded weaker than intended. "I agreed to allow Zero to return with me to my home today, to begin his testing as soon as possible; I thought it would be best for all parties involved" Watching the look of confusion and disbelief on both men's face I could see the professor about to refused, Zero however had other ideas and spoke up his voice calm and flat as she expected but the words themselves held no room for argument; and it made Layla once more wonder if how the people working here had not figured out what he had been doing and planning. "Mistress Layla will be testing me as agreed. Mistress has accepted the position and I will be accompanying her from today onwards, she has been assigned in my system as sole controller and I will only follow her commands; should she leave without me accompanying her my system will shut down and not start up until she returns to collect me" The look of shock on the professor's face was almost comical as his mouth hung open, there was a moment where Layla thought he might actually fall over from shock; but after a minute or two he seemed to regain some composure although he was clearly not as confident as before.

He cleared his throat before offering a nod to the man with him and a few seconds later when the two stepped back the door buzzed and the sound of gas release sounded as the door opened, Layla almost jumped when she felt the hand land on the base of her back gently encouraging her forward; it took a lot of control not to turn around and bat the hand away telling the A.I not to touch her. Thankfully as she moved forward the hand removed itself letting Layla walk ahead at her own pace, as they walked past she took note of the wide birth the man who opened the door gave them; while Professor Crane walked a step in front of her heading away not giving any indication of where they were headed. After walking down the almost clinical corridors for what felt like nearly an hour they began passing windows to workshop like laboratories, and what lay inside made Layla's eyes widen as she slowed to a stop at one of the windows; there on the tables were body parts... A.I body parts. Some were almost complete while others were simple limbs being pieced together, glancing to her side she took in Zero and how he watched the corridor they had been watching; his eyes never so much as glancing towards the windows or what lay inside. A pang of guilt fell into her chest at the thought of how he might react to seeing that each time he was made to pass this way, even if the staff here didn't realise how self conscious he was Zero was very much so; and even if they were not there yet emotions would be forming as his programs self advanced. Without a second thought her hand reached out taking the hand closest to her, Zero's reaction was instant as his eyes snapped down to Layla's face; there was no emotion to read on his face but there was a flash of something as the light of his eyes wavered for a moment as if the monitor in his head was rapidly moving. Making sure her head was facing away from both the windows and the end of the corridor where the professor had gone ahead of them, moving her lips clearly she mouthed 'I'm sorry' a small frown in place as she finished; the only response she received was the smallest incline of Zero's head which if she hadn't of been watching him would have been missed.

"Miss Drake?" Turning to look ahead Professor Crane was waiting in the doorway at the end of the corridor, he was watching the two of them with concern but it was clear he was more concerned with Zero than her; nodding Layla continued down the corridor no longer letting her sight wander to the windows they passed. Looking up to see where they now where Layla found they were in an office of some kind, the desk was facing a large window looking into the same space they had passed and thankfully the two chairs for guests were facing away from the window towards the desk; there was also a small work space inside but Layla didn't focus on looking at it moving to sit down. After taking a seat in one of the worn wine red leather seats she looked to find Zero standing behind her, frowning she looked to see the professor on the phone by the wall in the work space area; with him distracted she felt comfortable to turn and focus on Zero. "Sit down Zero" He blinked looking at the other seat she gestured to blankly, the look on his face was unreadable but when he finally answered she couldn't help but feel sorry for him once again; and his even tone did nothing to calm her. "There will be another person coming to join this meeting, they will undoubtedly be using that seat; it is best I remain standing at your side" Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath Layla tried again, this time making her voice firm and authorative; no longer asking as she had before. "Zero there is no one else here yet so you can have the seat, if anyone else comes they can stand or bring another chair over; now come and sit down please." For a moment Layla thought she saw Zero raise an eyebrow and smirk at her, but as soon as she saw the action it was gone; but she let it go as he nodded and came to sit in the seat next to hers. It instantly put her at ease allowing her to return her attention back to the professor, he had just put down the phone and was walking over to seat himself at the desk; and she didn't miss how he looked at Zero with confusion opening his mouth to no doubt order Zero to vacate the seat. "I asked Zero to sit down, I thought since I am suppose to be testing him then I should encourage him to act like a normal man would; including normal interactions like this in a meeting. Or do you want him to act like a subservient slave and draw attention wherever he goes?" The older man closed his mouth his entire form radiating frustration, but he seemed to calm himself taking a deep breath as his nostrils flared before breathing out seeming calm again; and focusing solely on Layla as if trying to forget Zero was present.

Layla however felt triumph hit her as she watched the professor struggle with himself over what she said, for some reason she felt far more upset on the A.I's behalf than what she should be; but this wasn't anything she had imagined it would be when she had got ready this morning. The silence that settled over the room for a moment was far more pleasant than the events leading up to entering the office and Layla decided to let it stand as professor Crane began looking through papers on his desk and almost franticly signing randomly seeming pages; that was until a knock came at the door. The professor didn't look up from scanning a page he had just picked up calling out for whoever it was to come in, looking around she saw a old man come inside holding a small folder and a pen in hand; his aged face was much kinder than anyone else she had encountered so far and unlike them he offered her an apologetic smile when their eyes met. He came closer walking around the chair occupied by the A.I with caution until he reached the far side of her own, reaching out a hand he forced a smile; Layla took it shaking the hand with one firm shake before moving her hand back onto her lap. "Good morning Miss Drake my name is Paul Logan, I apologise for the... inconvenience of today's meeting but thank you

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