Chapter Four - Wheels In Motion

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"There! All set up ready to go" Layla was pleased with the new bedding she had picked out, despite the A.I not needing it she felt much better now about him using this room. With that aside after all this was over and done with the quilt pillows and bedding would last some time. Glancing at the plush material she regretted not ordering more for herself, but brushed the selfish thought aside for now. When the sales came she could get another set for herself but for now her old bedding was fine. Hearing movement Layla glanced towards the doorway finding Zero looking down at his new bedding, the glowing light that seemed to emit from his artificial eyes when he chose to let it shedding nothing on his thoughts. Although a small red light did catch her eye. A slight frown pulled at Layla's features seeing it yet again. She had noticed it while he set up his devices and then when she had come to say goodnight, the A.I had been watching the ceiling his eyes shining in the dark room with a single red dot diluting their glow. At the time tired from the long day dealing with her...Lodger-room mate? She had been more than happy to let the questions fall away in favour of sleep. But today was her last full day off before going back her part time studies and work, so ground rules and questions needed to be dealt with now. "Zero? What is the light in your eyes for? The small red one" For a moment there was no response as the A.I continued to gaze at the bed, slowly however he turned his attention towards Layla. His black hair falling low casting an almost ominous hood over his eyes, the sight alone made Layla wary of him. "I believe the light was originally designated to show my wireless connection being activated, however since has developed many functions as my software adapted itself" Nodding mutely at the information unsure of how to take it in Layla looked up when Zero continued on. "As the function seems to cause you unease I will disable it" The moment the words left his mouth Layla reacted a very loud no leaving her, only to clear her throat before beginning again with a calmer voice. "No-no leave it on. Now that I know what it is I feel a bit better" The A.I tilted his head as he came closer to her, the action was more like he was intending to interrogate her than anything else. For a moment the glowing green orbs watched her slowing moving as he eyed her face, until Layla looked away no longer willing to watch him with his eyes intently watching her. Clearing her throat she cautiously moved around his form trying not to touch him, although in the small space she couldn't help but brush his side. At first she thought it was odd he didn't feel cool like he had the first time they met, but then remembered what he announced over breakfast. He had come in after she had finished cleaning up informing her he adjusted his outer temperature and functions to her suggested specifications. She hadn't remembered telling him anything about changing his temperature or anything like that, but praised him all the same for trying to blend in all the same.

"Zero I think it's time to have that talk - about ground rules" There was a beat of silence before Layla heard him following her. She had already had the talk with him this morning about most things, like eating with her when out or how to talk to her in public but now more prominent rules needed discussing. "Of course Layla~" The way the words slipped from behind her made Layla want to shiver but she suppressed the urge the best she could. Yesterday he had been mostly neutral around her but as of this morning his behaviour had changed, it was almost as though the change in environment had flipped a switch in his head. In all honesty it wasn't frightening just weird to have him stand so close or speak to her the way he did. Sitting down making sure there was a bit of space between them when he did the same, Layla sighed before turning to the subject at hand. "Okay Zero I think first you should tell me if there are any rules you would like in place, or anything you want before I start sharing mine" Slowly the A.I blinked, the action most likely a programmed response on a timer than a conscious action. "Are there any restrictions to what I may request of you?" That question both surprised and put Layla on edge, but considering it slowly she decided not to judge his actions too soon. "Tell me what you want, we can negotiate the finer points after" A small pull at his lips was all the indication given he approved before Zero began, his tone suddenly very serious like he was laying down commandments rather than suggesting what he wanted. "I have five requests. First I do not want to be separated from you Layla unless unavoidable. Such as when you are in work, after such time I will come to you or you shall return to me" Layla felt like there was something behind that request that wasn't being shared, but thinking it over she couldn't see any harm in it really. One of her rules would be privacy when needed so it shouldn't cause any issues. "I can do that Zero, BUT there will be times I will want privacy so don't expect 24/7 access to me" A confirming nod came quickly as Zero took in her response, relieved he wasn't fighting that Layla stayed quiet so he could continue on. "Second I request from now onwards I take on house hold tasks direct to your care, such as cooking. It will allow me to care for you and learn more human attributes" Instantly Layla wanted to object. He was not a servant and she did NOT need looking after. If he genuinely wanted to she could let him, however she had not intension of letting him do it just because he was programmed to. Giving him the best critical sideways glance she could muster Layla tried to get across how she wasn't fond of the idea with just a look, which seemed to prompt Zero on. "I understand you do not require such actions from me or want me to act on programming like a servant. I however do want to take such a role, both to learn and to see to your care" As reluctant as she was to accept this one Layla slowly nodded, her voice low but stern. "Fine. Don't be surprised if I fight you on it later though" Zero moved to sit up straighter his face twitching momentarily into one that resembled pride at winning, but it was gone as soon as it came leaving Layla to wonder it she had even seen it.

"Next I ask that you allow me to track your movements when outside of my sight" That one had her genuinely curious. She had already agreed to allow him to be with her whenever possible, why did he need to track her. "How exactly would you track me?" Zero was silent for a moment, before slowly lifting his hand. Watching the moment curious at first Layla openly gaped as a small slot seemed to open out of his artificial skin, a tiny piece of metallic material popping out for him to take. It was no bigger than a grain of rice in length but seemed a little thinner if possible. "This is a device I designed. It will allow me to track the person it is placed within until removed" Blinking down at the tiny device with a mixture of curiosity and concern Layla voiced the obvious question. "Placed within how?" Zero shifted forward a hand moving to move her hair aside, the ponytail she had placed it in pushed to lay over her opposite shoulder as his fingers touched the base of her neck over her spine. "The device will be placed under your skin here. A simple task which I can perform with only slight discomfort caused in less than forty seconds" Swallowing hard Layla couldn't help but fall into various thoughts. Why had he even developed that let alone made it? No doubt it was yet another thing no one knew the A.I had done or was capable of. The idea of being watched and tracked didn't sit well with her, but the nagging thought that the A.I would not let this one go dragged at the back of her mind. Grinding her teeth for a moment Layla finally let out the breath she hadn't realised she had held in. "Give me some time to think about that one. I will let you know what I decide before bed" The answer didn't seem to be the one he wanted but Zero nodded all the same in a stiff sudden motion, moving on as if he forced himself to so he wouldn't argue. Once again Layla couldn't help but think how strange it was he could look and be so... human, to the point she forgot he wasn't human at all most of the time. "I understand this request might be unusual but I ask for fidelity from you as my tester and mistress" Confusion swam instantly in Layla's mind, it must have shown on her face as Zero began again. "I ask you do not engage in a relationship or take a partner, I have no desire to share you or have your attention divided from myself" Suddenly it was clear. The A.I was possessive of what he saw as his. A pang of hurt on his behalf stopped any anger that might have surfaced, memories of the assembly room of A.I parts from before coming back to Layla's mind. Likely Zero had never had anything that was his own, whatever was given to him would have been taken away just as quickly. So now he was in the outside world with her as his one constant, the one person he could label as his link to freedom it wasn't surprising he wouldn't let it go. A low sigh left Layla as she closed her eyes for a moment, preparing herself to try and explain her side without dismissing what he wanted completely.

"Zero I cannot and will not promise to not enter a relationship" Even though I have no plans on it anyway , was left unsaid inside Layla's head as she pushed on "Because I don't know what might happen in the future." There was a flash of change in the green of those eyes that made Layla continue on, unnerved slightly by how sudden the change had come. "I will however promise never to leave you. Until the day you leave me I will not ignore you or purposely spend unneeded time away from you... unless you deserve it or I need it to calm down" For a few seconds Zero's face turned downwards as he seemed to gaze into thin air, before looking back upwards to meet Layla's cautious eyes again. "That is acceptable for the time being" Once again the answer was not reassuring or revealing to the A.I's thoughts. Waiting silently for the next request both watched each other, Zero's eyes seemed to analyze Layla as she was more reserved not sure where these requests were going. Her own rules were simpler just to keep both him and her out of trouble, his were like ways to ensure she stayed with him. It was almost endearing how he seemed to want to ensure she stayed, but it was also almost frightening the lengths he was willing to go to achieve that goal. The A.I had already developed under the radar of many intelligent men and women, manipulating technology and people alike to get his goals to completion. "My final request is rather simple, however it is one I will allow no negotiations on" A pit of undeniable fear began to build in Layla's stomach at how the normally calm voice went a tone deeper in, a baser part of herself recognising the pure danger it seemed to emit. "Any promise you make to me will be kept to the letter. Should it be broken I will have the right to enforce any penalty I see fit" The fear that had been building slowly began to drain as Layla realised what he was asking was actually simple. She was so relived it wasn't anything drastic Layla didn't even register the final sentence he uttered as her mind went to work. He just wanted to keep her promises, she did that anyway since she had never promised anything lightly. Licking her lips to try and regain some moisture in the suddenly dry area, Layla pushed a smile this time not feeling impending dread as they finally got to the end of his requests. "I have no problems with that" A smile lightened Zero's face as his eyes glowed for a moment before settling to their vibrant green shade. He nodded also and seemed to relax into his seat, sitting more casually rather than a tight well kept posture. It was good to see the A.I relax himself especially since Layla had told him when they went out he would need to at least seem relaxed. People would either get suspicious of him or think Zero was weird... if his name didn't do that to begin with. But then many people had odd names now so hopefully it would be overlooked by most.

"What are your requests of me?" When Zero brought that up Layla suddenly remembered it was her turn, squaring her shoulders she set to work on her far longer list. For the most part Zero took in her rules well, only stopping her a few times to object, like with her privacy and protection rules. He insisted he should be allowed to enter her room unless directly told not to, which in the end Layla compromised telling him it was okay as long as he knocked for permission first. On the protection rule where she made a point of telling Zero he could cause no harm to herself others or property he had seemed to go dark for a moment. In his words Zero would protect her from any threat if it caused others or property damage or not. It took a long winded argument to finally have him agree not to cause intentional damage to people or property of any kind, unless there was no other viable option but even then he had to cause minimal as possible. Although despite trying he refused to budge on the protection of her insisting if Layla was in danger he would do what must be done to ensure her safety. Layla also went over a few things like using technology and not getting caught or her in trouble, Zero always pointed out he would not be detected and if it should happen she would be at no fault. That didn't settle her mind on the matter but let it go to carry on with her list. The final matter had been with dealing with staff when they were called back for checkups as Layla now called them. That one had Zero instantly back to his strict posture as his eyes narrowed in what appeared to be anger for a moment, before the look fled into a vacant stare. "I will follow your instructions on such visits, however I will not allow separations from you Layla. Keep that in mind as I will cause 'unnecessary damage to property or others' as you have informed me not to do in such an event to return to you" That was fair enough for Layla so she settled to agree on that condition. Thinking over what they discussed she realised they had covered most of her concerns, but did make sure to tell Zero she might bring up more in the future if problems came up. He seemed to just ignore the serious note in her voice at that nodding as his gaze travelled away dismissing her words. Layla didn't need to have known the A.I long to know there was no point fighting him when he was like this, like most people he had quirks of his own which were slowly coming out. Some were infuriating in their own way but others were endearing especially taking in how he had about. Shaking her head Layla sighed standing finally getting Zero's attention back. "I have an idea, why don't we go out for dinner? Well early dinner I guess since we seemed to have missed lunch by-" Looking down at her watch Layla almost wanted to hit her forehead at how long they had been 'negotiating' "About three and a half hours! Okay maybe not so early after all" The half hearted laugh seemed to peek Zero's interest as he stood watching her for a moment. Then a smile lit his face as he turned away. "I will get our coats, while I do not require the meal you do. I won't allow you to forget in future"

The walk down to the small Italian restaurant didn't take too long, Zero seemed happy to talk away asking questions about how Layla knew about all the different places they had visited. Layla didn't mind indulging him finding it adorable how he was so curious. To anyone else passing by they must have seemed like a happy couple, with Zero having wound his arm around her waist while she was distracted as they crossed one of the busier roads. At first Layla had though about pushing him off but looking at him and finding him looking so happy she couldn't bring herself to do it. His hand was only on her waist in a respectful place, so there was no reason in her mind to make a scene over it. The A.I unknown to her was pleased with this beyond belief, taking note of how compliant she was when he remained still holding her in a zone he had classified as safe. His eyes had taken note of the various ways others touched as they travelled, classifying various touches as more intimate as others while the one he chose to initiate seemed a casual or friendly one. Reaching their destination Zero finally removed himself from Layla, his eyes looking longingly where he had just removed his hand trying to classify the emotion he felt at the loss of touch. Layla didn't take any notice of the now quiet A.I at her side taking charge asking for a table for two. Luckily with it being so early there was plenty of tables open for use that didn't need a booking. Sitting down with the menus Layla gave a quick run over of how the service worked before leaving Zero to choose his own meal. She still didn't understand how but he had told her he could consume food and dispose of the unused food later. He had noted some consumption could be used in his system such as grease or oil, his system could recycle them to perform maintenance. After ordering the pair settled into a warm conversation, Zero seemed all too eager to learn about Layla's past and he in turn shared knowledge about how he continued to pester the staff through a wireless uplink. The idea of things going bang or just shutting off before being saved had Layla laughing, offering a sight the A.I drank in like a man lost in the desert. When the food was set down in front of them both thanked the waitress only waiting until she was a few metres away before beginning their meal.

"So what are the others like?" Zero glanced away from his bite of food watching Layla take a sip of her drink. He knew she was talking about the other A.I's he had told her of, despite that a shock of what he had identified before as jealously along with a yet unidentified feeling hit his systems. Taking a moment to force himself to appear calm Zero finally responded, focusing on the connection he felt to the other A.I's to remain that way. "Most are similar to myself. They want to be free of the facilities that house them and explore the world... they long to be free" Layla felt her stomach fall at the idea of being locked inside forever being used as a tool, leaning forward she took hold of one of Zero's hands. He looked at the clasping fingers gently moving over his hand, feeling the temperature rise slightly as his processor suddenly surged taking in all he could to store this moment. Looking up he found Layla's eyes on him, their colour shimmering under a layer of unshed tears. The sight made him wish to pull her from her seat and place her on his lap so he could offer her comfort, pull her close and hold her where he could protect her from the sensation that caused the tears to form. Of course the A.I knew he must not lose his control and allow such an action in this place, there were too many eyes and unknown factors of which he had no control. So he copied an actions many humans portrayed in movies or on the television he studied for use, he made a weak smile while tilting his head the slightest amount. Layla watched Zero offer a weak smile and forced herself onto another topic, she didn't want to make him linger on bad memories so tried something new. "How is your food? I can make lasagne at home if you like it" Zero allowed the sudden shift in conversation taking it as a success in his actions, simply moving the fork full of the still steaming food into his mouth. "I find it is rather more enjoyable

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