Chapter 50

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"Welcome back to Chicago Stefan, and for you Aria, I think you will like this city." Klaus smirks, as we pull up to some old abandoned warehouse, far away from the actual city though. I step out of the car, smiling at the cold Chicago weather. I like it already and we aren't even in the city yet.

Klaus walks over to the door, pulling it open. He walks inside the building, Stefan and I following him in. I look around the place, wondering why the hell we are here. We stop in front of another door, Klaus pulling it open. I smile, looking at the whole Chicago City. It's really amazing, especially for me since I've never been here before. 

"What are we doing here?" Stefan questions, not even the slightest bit interested in the city view like I am. 

"I know how much you liked it here, bringing back memories of the good, ol' ripper days." Klaus grins. 

"I blacked out for most of them, a lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur." Stefan frowns, sounding like a crack head. I guess he kind of was for a while. He was addicted to a substance. 

"Well that is a crying shame, the details is what makes it legend." Klaus answers, in an almost awe tone. Huh... does he envy Stefan for just being able to let go?  "Chicago was magical..."

"Yeah." Stefan sighs, "I guess I'll have to take your word for it, like I said, I don't remember most of it." Stefan goes back into the building, apparently not wanting to see the view anymore. 

"Down to business then." I roll my eyes, following Stefan back into the building. I wanted to enjoy the view for a little while longer but no, Stefan was done so I had to be done.  

"Why are we still with you? We all had our fun. Your hybrid's failed, I mean, don't you want to move on?" Stefan demands. 

Klaus smirks, "We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."

"Ugh, I hate witches. Do we have to?" I whine, as Klaus opens up the car door ready to drive to some old witches place. 

"Yes Aria, we do." Klaus sighs, "Don't worry, she won't do anything to you." 

"I'm not worried about her using her witchy mojo on me. I just hate witches in general." I say, glaring at him. Witches are bitches. Not a big fan of them as you can tell. 

"Deal with it love, and restrain yourself around her. If she hears you insulting her or witches in general, you will have to worry about her doing something to you." Klaus laughs, getting into the car and shutting the door behind him. Seriously? How is her doing something to me funny? I don't find it funny. 

I look over at Stefan for help but he just shrugs, "Klaus is right, you should listen to him for once." 

My jaw drops to the floor, "Did you just tell me to listen to Klaus?"

Stefan rolls his eyes, "Get in the car Aria or he will leave without us."

"That's a bad thing?" I smirk. 

"I heard that love!" Klaus yells from inside the car causing me to laugh. I use my vampire speed, and hop into the car, appearing right next to Klaus. I give him an innocent smile, acting like I've been sitting their for awhile.  Klaus looks at me like I'm mentally challenged, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm ready now." I say. 

"Wonderful. I guess now that you're ready, we all have permission to go." Klaus deadpans, looking like he wants to eat me.  I nod, an innocent smile still plastered on my face.

Oh how I love annoying Klaus.


I look around as we walk into some old bar that looks like it's a hundred years old. Still younger than Klaus and Stefan though. Good one Aria. 

"Looks familiar doesn't it?" Klaus asks, looking at Stefan. 

"Nope, never seen it before." I smirk, knowing he wasn't talking to me. Klaus rolls his eyes once again, ignoring me. 

"I can't believe this place is still around." Stefan smiles, shaking his head. Guess it's pretty old if Stefan and Klaus have been to it. 

"You've got to be kidding me." a voice comments from across the room. Stefan and I spin towards the women, her having startled us. She looks almost as old as this bar. Nah, she doesn't look that old. 

"So a hybrid walks into a bar and says-" she cuts Klaus' joke off instantly. Poor Klaus. 

"Stop." she commands. "You may be invincible but that doesn't make you funny."

I look over at Klaus who's grinning, and I can't help but smile too. "I like her." I say.  Anyone who can insult Klaus and not be afraid, makes me like them. 

"Now who are you sweetie pie? Another one of Klaus' girls?" she questions frowning. 

"Eew, no. I'm forced to be around him. There are a million other people I would rather be with. Trust me. Oh and I'm Aria not 'another one of Klaus' girls'." I say, ignoring Klaus' glare. He's not hurt, he just wants to act like a baby. 

"I remember you." the women tells Stefan, looking him over. 

"You're Gloria..." Stefan guesses, but he seems pretty sure about himself. She nods, giving him a smile. "Shouldn't you be-"

"Old and dead? Yup." she smirks, "But if I die, who's going to run this place?"

"Gloria is a very powerful witch." Klaus whispers to Stefan and I, like we didn't already know or something. I didn't forget in the ride over here.

"I can slow the aging process down some. Herbs and spells...but don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day." she shrugs. 

"Aria, Stefan, why don't you two go put your minds together and fix us up something in the bar." Klaus doesn't ask us, he's telling us. He's just trying to sound like he's not an asshole. Not working. 

"Of course, I'll get right on that." I glare, walking away from them. I can feel Klaus' eyes on me, so I sway my hips a little more than necessary. I can tease him all I like. There's nothing wrong with that.

I walk back to the bar, pouring myself a glass of whiskey. Stefan sighs, shaking his head and stealing it from me. I ignore it and just pour myself another one, drinking it in one sip. 

Something on the wall catches my eye, causing me to look closely. I tear the picture off the wall, covering my mouth with my hand. 

Shit is about to get real scandalous guys. 

I walk over to the Stefan, throwing the picture down in front of us. His eyes get wide when he realizes who is in the picture. 

"What is this?" Stefan demands, taking a few steps towards Klaus and Gloria. 

Klaus look over at Stefan, a grin on his face. "Well I told you Stefan, Chicago is a magical place."

"But that's Stefan, looking happy, with you." I frown, looking at the photo once again. It's a picture of Klaus and Stefan with their arms around each others shoulders, looking all cozy. By the way they're dressed it was taken in the 20's I think. 

See I told you, it's very scandalous...


"This doesn't make any sense, why don't I remember you?" Stefan questions, both of us struggling to keep us with Klaus as we practically jog into the warehouse. Damn Klaus walks fast. 

"You said it yourself, there was a lot of dark holes in that time." Klaus responds vaguely. 

"If you knew me then why haven't you said anything?!" Stefan demands, wanting answers. 

"I'm a little busy right now, memory lane will have to wait." Klaus sighs, casing Stefan to grab his arm, stopping him. Stefan makes Klaus face him, and Klaus doesn't look to happy. Don't worry, I'm ready to step in if things go south. 

"What the hell is going on?" Stefan repeats, "Answer me."

Klaus flicks Stefan's hand away from him, a small smirk on his face. "Lets just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you. You and my sister were very cozy. She was actually quite fond of you." he explains. 

"Your sister? So I knew another Original vampire?" Stefan frowns. 

"If you can't handle it, then don't ask." Klaus says, walking into a separate room with a bunch of coffins. I guess this is the rest of his family...daggered, partly dead. Elijah is in here...

Klaus walks over to a coffin, opening it up. I speed over to it, looking over Klaus' shoulder at the person in the coffin. What? I'm curious.

She's actually a very pretty, blond girl. She's still dressed like she is from the 20's and is all grey and icky, but you can tell she is very pretty. You can also tell she is related to Klaus and Elijah.

"I don't recognize her." Stefan says, looking at the girl in the coffin. 

"Well don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine." Klaus smirks before ripping the dagger out of her heart.  "Time to wake up little sister."


"Any day now Rebekah." Klaus sings, as Stefan paces and I just stand there. We've been waiting for a while now and it's kind of boring. "She's just being dramatic." 

"Just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason? I'm not just a pretty face to flirt with like Aria." Stefan says, causing me to glare at him. How rude of him. 

"Well you have many useful talents. In fact, my favorite trick is from you." Klaus grins, talking like they are old buddies. Well...I guess they kind of are. "I was your number one fan." Klaus finally walks out of the room and into the main area. The security guard by the door surprises me, why do we need him? He's just human....

"Why should I believe any of this?" Stefan frowns. 

"When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar and then volunteer your curated artery. Let her feed until you die." Klaus compels the security guard, ignoring Stefan's question. Oh...that's why we need the security guard. For food...

"Where are you going?" I question, as Klaus continues to walk. 

"Stefan keeps denying we knew each other, but we did know each other. He trusted me with one of his secrets and now I'm going to prove it to him." Klaus states, walking like he is a man on a mission. 

"How?" Stefan demands. 

"We're going to your old apartment."


"Eew, you lived in this place." I frown, taking a step closer to Klaus. It's super disgusting in this old apartment building. I may be a vampire now but I still feel like someone is going to mug me. It's scary. 

"Such a charming little home Stefan." Klaus teases, shooting me an amused look.

"If this is your idea of charming Klaus, no wonder you're single." I smirk, returning his look.  He actually laughs, shaking his head. Guess he is in a good mood. 

I hold my hand out, stopping the guys when I notice Stefan's old apartment door is open. Stefan told me which one he lived in, that's how I know it's his old place. 

Klaus throws the door open, causing it to bang against the wall. Klaus steps inside, looking around. "Do you feel that?" he asks, turning back towards Stefan and I. "Is someone here?"

"Ugh, no. Not liking this horror movie vibe right now guys." I whine, biting my lip. Old places like this scare me. They're just really freaking creepy. 

"It's been vacant for centuries, people must break in all the time." Stefan guesses, pushing me inside the room with him. Really? Can't I go wait in the car or something?

"Well if someone is in here, and you just like go and kill them or something Klaus?" I plead. 

"Don't worry love, if someone is in here, I'm sure you could handle yourself." Klaus comments, still looking majorly amused at my fear of this place. How mean of him. 

"Why did you bring us here?" Stefan sighs, looking around the apartment with disgust. Guess this brings some memories back for Stefan of when he was cray cray and eating everybody he met. 

"Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood, I couldn't get why you wanted his name. Then you told me your little secret, it was all part of your special, little, ritual." Klaus grins. 

"To write it down..." Stefan mutters. 

"And relive the kill. Over and over again." Klaus fills in, making Stefan sound like some psycho.  Klaus walks over to the bookshelf, opening it up like it's a door or something. Stefan had a secret little lair! How cool is that?  "Believe me now?" Klaus smirks, arching his eyebrow at Stefan.

"Oo, I want to see." I grin, skipping into the room. I get inside, and come face to face with my twin, who looks like she is ready to shit herself. I shake my head, giving her a glare. She shrugs, giving me a nervous smile. What the hell is she doing here? She's supposed to be living her great human life in Mystic Falls.

Her eyes get even wider when Stefan walks into the room. They stare at each other for a few moments, and I can practically see their love forming again. Eew. 

"Look what I found!" I yell out to Klaus, causing Stefan and Elena to give me panicked looks. I smirk at my sister, before grabbing an old bottle of whiskey off the shelf. 

I walk outside the little liar thing, handing it to Klaus. "1918 Malt, the one we got drunk as hell to in Alabama. It was fun."

Klaus laughs, "I was hoping you would forget that night." 

"How could I ever forget that night? It was...epic." I smile, seeing Stefan shut the liar door out of the corner of my eye. Hopefully Elena can get out when we leave. Don't want her trapped in their forever, do we?

"Let's go drink then, shall we?" Klaus grins, holding out his hand. 

I look at his hand, a giant grin appearing on my face. "We shall." I take his hand, letting him lead me out of the room. 

Tonight is going to be fun, and I'm going to drink away my problems. Which means I'm drinking away Damon and Elena and the fact that they are in Chicago. Looking for us... oh shit.


Gloria sets the beers down in front of us, making my smile wider. Me being a vampire doesn't change the fact that I love alcohol and how it makes you feel. I can still get drunk as hell, it just takes a lot more beer now than before.

"Where's Rebekah?" she asks, glaring at Klaus. 

"She'll be here. I can't just conjure her on demand." Klaus smirks, taking a sip of his beer.  Gloria rolls her eyes, walking away from us.  I nudge Klaus, and gesture to Stefan who is looking all solemn and shit over at the end of the table. 

"What's wrong with you? I thought Chicago was your playground?" Klaus questions. 

"Not the inspiring speech I was looking for Klaus." I grumble. 

"So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Cause you liked the way I tortured innocent people?" Stefan seethes, standing up. See, if you would have said something nice Klaus, Stefan wouldn't have started raging. 

"Well that's half of it." Klaus agrees. 

"What's the other half?" Stefan sighs, looking so done with Klaus' shit. 

"The other half Stefan is..." Klaus pours three shots, sliding one down to me and the other to Stefan. " used to want to be my wingman." Klaus holds his shot up, looking between Stefan and I. "To friendship." Stefan and I clink our glasses with his before drowning the shot. 

"So tell me, if we were such good friends, how do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend on an alter of fire?" Stefan questions, drinking another shot. 

Klaus looks down, a small smile on his face. "All good things must come to an end." he shrugs.

"You compelled him to forget you, didn't you Klaus?" I guess based off Klaus' expression. 

"It was time for Rebekah and I to move on, better to have a clean state." Klaus says, polishing off another shot. 

"But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracts...unless you're running from someone." Stefan says slowly, saying it almost like a question. What he is saying does make sense though.

"Story time is over." Klaus glares, an edge in his voice. Guess Stefan was on to something. 

I reach over, grabbing the bottle of whiskey off the bar and pouring myself a shot. Enough with the beer, I need something a little stronger. 

"I need another drink, a real one." Stefan sighs, setting his glass down. Klaus flicks his hand, giving Stefan permission to leave. It's sad, I know. We have to get permission from Klaus for everything.

Once Stefan is gone, I smack the back of Klaus' head. He makes a startled sound, before glaring at me. 

"Oh don't give me that look buddy. Tonight was supposed to be fun, and you ruined it with all your depressive shit. I thought you were supposed to be fun. Not all boring and sad, it's pathetic really." I say, giving him a challenging look. 

All of a sudden, I am backed up against the bar, Klaus right in front of me, his arms on either side of me. He smirks, a sparkle in his eyes. 

"What are you going to do Klaus?" I whisper, leaning up so I can whisper it right in his ear. 

He grabs my hair, not hard enough to hurt, and forces me to look up at him.  "I'll do whatever I want to do to you Aria." 

"Then do it." I taunt, but my attention quickly goes to someone else. I push Klaus away from me, not believing who I am seeing at the moment. Didn't I tell him to get lost?

"Am I interrupting something?" Damon demands, barely controlling his rage. He looks ready to kill someone. That someone being Klaus. Wait does he think...he thinks we were actually going to do something? 

"Yeah, you were. It's this thing called my life." I glare. 

"Ouch, that hurts Ari." he smirks, it having no effect on him. Damn his charming personality. 

"You don't give up, do you?" Klaus sighs, a little umbrella thing in his hands. What the fuck is that? Like what is he thinking, Aria's boyfriend just walked in so let me grab my fucking mini umbrella thing I got out of a cocktail. What the actual hell man?

"Give me my girlfriend and brother back and you will never see me again." Damon smiles, a very fake one, I might add. 

"Well I am torn, I promised Stefan and Aria I wouldn't let you die but how many freebees did I sign up for? I mean, clearly you want to die or you wouldn't be here so..." Klaus trails off, his words implying what he wants to do. Get out Damon, get out now. 

"What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker." Damon smiles, and I can tell he is stalling for time. Guess Elena is having a chat with Stefan right now. How unsweet of them. 

Before I can stop Klaus, he wraps his hand around Damon's throat. Klaus stands up, holding Damon a few feet in the air. I wince when I hear something snap. Ouch.

"Oh, what was that? It didn't sound to good." Klaus smirks, holding the end of his little umbrella thing to Damon's neck. has a needle at the end of it. "I'm a little bit boozy so forgive me if I miss your heart the first few times." Klaus stabs the needle into Damon, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Klaus, stop. Please." I beg, actually scared that Klaus will kill Damon. Klaus ignores me, stabbing it into Damon again. This time he really digs it in, causing Damon to be in even more pain. "Klaus!" I cry. 

Klaus pulls the needle out, throwing Damon across the room. Damon groans as he lands hard, breaking a few tables. Klaus starts advancing towards Damon but I speed in front of Klaus, stopping him. 

"Move Aria, or I will make you." Klaus threatens. 

"Then make me, because I'm not going to let you kill him without a fight from me." I say, not afraid to stand up to him. So what if he hurts me? I know he won't kill me and I heal fast anyway. 

Klaus grabs my arm, squeezing hard enough for me to feel like my bone is about to snap in half. I cry out, but make sure I still stand my ground. I refuse to just give up. Klaus releases my arm, going over to a table and breaking off

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